The newspapers

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Lucy went out to get the newspapers.
She came back in the homely kitchen, slammed them on the desk and turned to make herself another mutch needed cup of tea. The ghosthunting got cut back after they were able to shrink the epidemic by removing the metal fences but they were still up nearly all night. She tried to chuck down the hot brew but stopped herself early enough to not burn her whole mouth. It was pretty silent in the room. Everyone was tired.
George skibbled something (probably) disgusting on the thinking cloth while Kipps yawned. He sat as far away fron George and was here because he had spend the last piece of the long night resting on the couch in the livingroom.
Lockwood had picked up the papers and flapped trough the pages. Like every time he was more energetic than the rest of the group.
His eyebrows raised and he seemed suprised. Holly seemed to be the only one besides Lucy who noticed that.
She stepped behind the charismatic groupleader and peeked over his shoulder. And a few seconds of reading later she looked suprised too.
"How did that happened? Did somebody let something slipped? Or did they sell these informationes?"
Now Lucy got courious too and stepped over to read. And the other two boys also noticed that something was going on.
They tried to rise from their seats but Lockwood motioned them to sit down.
"Don't crowd around me. I'm gonna tell you what happened."
He folded the paper, layed it down on the table and took another sip of tea out of his cup befor he startet talking.
"It seems like someone told the wrong people what was going on in the Fittes sanctum. And now a new epedemic broke out."
"Where?", Quill asked directly.
" In Germany."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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