6~So Its a Date?

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~~Aaron's P.O.V A few months later~~

"Now can anyone give me a detailed description of what Independence Day is or how it came to be?" Mr. Fishbach asked the whole class. Wade was currently trying to get my attention for more cheating as the teacher spoke. I ignored him as he continued to poke my shoulder and whisper my name.

"How about you Wade. Please tell the class." Mark smiled as Wade froze in his seat.

"Uh, it's the Fourth of July or something right?" Wade guessed. The class giggled and I could tell he was glaring at them all by the way the giggling settled.

"That not a detailed description, but yes, it is the Fourth of July." Mark laughed. I liked his laugh. I rolled my eyes at myself feeling sick at that thought.

"Can anyone else tell me? No?" His eyes glanced around the room meeting mine for a few seconds before looking around again. "Well in short, we fought off those pesky natives and cleared the land for money, we decided staying with Britain wasn't such a good idea and we went to war! We beat the British to bloody pulps and signed the Declaration of Independence! Give or take a few major details." He explained causing the class to laugh. I just rolled my eyes at the statement and turned my head to the wall.

Mr. Fishbach smiled at the class as the bell rang signaling the end of the day. I quickly packed up my stuff and followed behind the class.

"Uh, wait Aaron! I need to talk to you." Mr. Fishbach said quickly right as I got to his door. I didn't turn around, but I did stop. I looked at Bob who was waiting right outside the class for me. He became a good friend to me over these few months and right now he was waiting for me to walk home with him.

"Uh, Bob you can go on ahead without me." I smiled at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled at me before walking off. I let the door close right in front of me before turning to face my teacher. He had a look of relief on his face as he stood up approaching me.

"I think we really need to talk. Mainly about this whole confusion between us." He sighed. I nodded.

"So uh, would you like to go have some coffee or something and talk?" He asked seeming to be a little nervous. I thought.

To be honest I guess this is a little weird, me going to get coffee with my history teacher, but we do need to get over this whole awkward tension between us.

"Yeah I guess that's okay. I don't have a car though." I said he smiled.

"I could give you a ride. Plus I know where this place is so." He said awkwardly. I looked down and rocked back and forth on my heels. We both were silent for a moment and I could tell he was looking at me. I looked up and my eyes meet his for a few seconds before he turned away and cleared his throat.

"I guess we should go now huh?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah. I could use a cup of coffee or tea right now." I said in one breath. He chuckled and walked back to his desk. My curious eyes wandered down to his butt. His black jeans tightened as he bent over to grab some things on the other side of his desk. He looked back at me and I quickly looked away causing him to chuckle. Did I just check out my teacher?

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer." He said casually. My cheeks burned and it was my turn to turn around. I heard him chuckle and I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Let's just go." I mumbled and walked out of the class with him following me. I let him lead the way to his car in silence. We also got into his car in silence and drove to the coffee shop, in silence. When would the silence fall?

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