Love Me (HB x Sub!Reader) | Angst + Fluff

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"I'm a Lord, a God, why would I waste time with a mortal like you?" Herobrine spat, feeling annoyed by the fact that this mortal girl kept trying to converse with him. He observed as she slunk back in shame and hugged herself, her eyes watering, making him sigh softly and lower his tone.

Herobrine's expression softened and he stepped closer to her. He reached out for her, only for her to twitch away and whimper. He frowned at that and gave her a look of sorrow, feeling bad that he just scolded her for having feelings. Humans need comfort and attention, that was something he didn't understand. However, he still cared for the mortal, and spoke in a soft and caring tone.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to cry..." he looked away and grit his teeth in thought, then leaned down on his knees and wrapped his arms around her. Guilt flushed through his body when he felt just how much she was shaking, and was surprised when she whimpered.

[Y/N] didn't say much, but felt her chest tighten as more tears threatened to spill down her face. She mewled sadly when he tightened his grip and began to rub her back with his bigger hand, getting her to relax against him. Eventually, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled into his neck, grateful that he at least let her hug him.

"Relax," Herobrine softly said, allowing her to hug him for as long as she needed to calm down.

[Y/N] didn't want this to fail like every single other crush, she really wanted him to be the one. Sinking into his embrace, she whimpered in response, not wanting him to let go of her. His arms felt so firm and strong around her, and it made her want him even more.

"P-Please... I-I just want you to be with me always... I-I don't w-want anything else from you," she sniffled, crying silently into his shoulder. "I can't lose you... Please..."

Herobrine frowned upon hearing her words, and held her tighter. To be fair, she was the only girl so far that really loved him, and not his status or his fortune. He gently stood up and picked her up with him, saying nothing as he held her to his chest and teleported away.

The world disappeared around them, then started to generate again. It seemed they were back in his castle, and he set her down on the huge red bed. [Y/N] pouted a little as he let go of her, but got distracted by the fluffy pillows and the soft red blanket. She took off her shoes and threw them on the carpeted floor of the same colour, only darker and a little worn.

Herobrine took off his shirt, then looked in the mirror and brushed his hair back with a comb. "You can stay the night, and I'll decide whether or not I want you in my life tomorrow morning," he explained calmly, his tone low but firm. He then turned around to the smaller girl, "Is that clear?"

[Y/N] nodded, pulling her oversized shirt down to cover herself more, then pulled up the thigh-high socks she was wearing. She put her hands in her lap and stared at him with wide eyes.

Herobrine flashed a smirk, then turned back around to take off his jeans and toss them aside. "Good girl," he chuckled quietly, then resumed his stone-cold expression. He yawned before approaching [Y/N], stretching his arms above his head.

[Y/N] blushed upon seeing him in nothing but his boxers, then looked away. She yelped when she felt his hands on the bottom of her shirt, then he yanked it off to expose her chest.

She yelped and hugged herself, trying to cover her breasts and turning her face away from him. "Jerk!" she whined out, flustered and slightly annoyed.

Herobrine snorted a little with amusement, then grabbed her and held her with one arm. He threw the blankets aside with his free hand, and climbed into bed with the small girl. Wrapping his arms around her, he yawned again, then tossed the blankets back over them and nuzzled his head into his white pillow.

[Y/N] didn't know how to react, and just layed close to him. She wasn't expecting him to be so touchy so quickly, and wondered how true he was being when he said he didn't love her.

She stayed awake for a long while, unsure if Hero was asleep or not, or if he slept at all, and just nuzzled close to his warm and soft chest, her arms tucked into her own.


Herobrine grumbled softly as he woke up, and stayed still in bed for a bit. He huffed with annoyance as he got up and stretched, then remembered [Y/N], and looked around for her.

His eyebrows perked up when he spotted her next to him, curled up in a little ball and snoring softly. She resembled a tiny kitten, which made him chuckle.

He layed down beside her on his side, then put a hand on her stomach, turning her so she was laying on her back. He began to softly rub the small girl's tummy, being gentle enough so she wouldn't wake up.

She was so soft and delicate that he was afraid she would fall apart at his very touch.

Herobrine gave a gentle squish to her side, which made her snicker a bit in her sleep. His eyes widened with interest, and he began to gently tickle her tummy.

[Y/N] giggled, slowly waking up and whining through her soft laughter. She pressed her arms to her belly, squealing a bit.

"H-Hey, stop it!" she yelped with another giggle, kicking her legs a little.

Albeit not wanting to, Hero chuckled softly, finding her laughter contagious. He kept lightly teasing the girl, and her laughter got increasingly louder as she tried to hide her face in his chest.

"HERO!" [Y/N] scolded, arching her back and squirming around to try and get away from him, swatting his hand away.

"Aww you poor little baby~" he chuckled, stopping to wrap his arms around her waist and hold her close so she wouldn't get away. As much as he would hate to admit it, he was actually enjoying his time with [Y/N], finding her adorable.

[Y/N] panted with exhaustion, but she was also blushing madly. She grumbled a little and turned away from him.

Why was he being so playful? She thought he was all stone-cold and hated laughter, and hated her as well for being so obsessed with him.

Hero was confused as to why she turned away, then pulled her close again and used a hand to turn her back towards him. He placed a gentle kiss on her soft, blushing cheek, which made her tear up and overflow with butterflies in her stomach.

[Y/N] looked up at him, nuzzling closer as she put her hands on his chest. She didn't think this moment would ever happen, and blushed harder at the calming sound of his deep, husky, and seductive voice.

A shiver ran down her spine as he leaned into her ear and whispered with a sharp grin.

"...Perhaps I'll let you stay a little while longer~"

Herobrine x Fem!Reader (ONESHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now