#5 The final battle

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Mulan is alone once again. She has travelled a distance after leaving the soldiers behind, and set up camp to rest for the night. The small fire flickers as she stares at it miserably, what will her family, her father, say when she comes back? Will they even be happy to see her? Or shun her for being a disgrace to the family. Mulan is secretly thankful for the long journey back, it gives her some time before she faces the truth.

Suddenly, she hears a thundering of hooves and shouts of men from below. She quickly stamps out her fire and crouches down to peek over the edge of a cliff, seeing scores of Rourans on their horses racing along the cliffside. "DOWN WITH THE EMPEROR!" one of the soldiers shouted, and his fellow soldiers hollered in unison. Mulan gasps and crouches down lower, heart pounding. Hadn't they eliminated the enemy in their last battle? Why are they not going towards where the Imperial army is stationed to fight?

Mulan knew a warning had to be sent to the Imperial city to protect the Emperor. She quickly got on her horse and started towards the base camp.


Upon arriving at the base camp, Commander Tung is shocked and immediately draws his sword at her. "I thought I made it very clear that I will kill you if I ever see you here again." he said. Mulan immediately dropped to her knees and lowered her head, "I'm sorry Commander. But I need to come back to warn the Imperial army. The Rourans are not coming here to attack anymore. I have seen thousands of them headed elsewhere, and I think they are going to the Imperial City.". "What? How do I know I can trust you? What if you are working with the enemy?" Commander Tung scoffed, "Even if you are telling the truth, what if you were wrong and we moved this battalion away from our station, allowing the Rourans to invade further?"."Please, you have got to believe me, I saw it with my own eyes." Mulan begged, "Commander, you trusted me as a soldier as Hua Jun, how is Mulan any different?".

Commander Tung paused, frowning in thought. Suddenly, a voice piped up from the crowd that gathered around them, "I believe Mulan!".

Shang stepped out from the crowd, followed by Cricket. "Me too!" Yao shouted and joined them. "Me three!", "I believe Mulan too!" Ling and Chien-Po both said. Soon, a number of men started joining in, remembering what Mulan did for them and how Mulan trained alongside them as a comrade. Commander Tung looks at his men's faces in surprise. This girl has managed to command the support and loyalty of these soldiers even without being a commander or even being a boy. He then looks back at Mulan's face and sees pure determination. Her eyes are ablaze with passion and sincerity. He sighs and says, "Ok. I am only sending you and a few soldiers. Your group will be the messengers to warn the Emperor. I sincerely hope you make it in time."


Mulan, Shang, Cricket, Ling and Chien-Po ride all night, finally arriving at the Imperial City at mid-day. It seems peaceful, no signs of attacks or invasions.

Unbeknownst to them, the Rouran soldiers have already entered the city in disguises, dressed as ordinary folk. Assassins in black run stealthily on the roofs, climbing walls and pillars, sneaking past palace guards unnoticed. All of them wait for the signal by their chief, Bori Khan.


The team reaches the palace and is presented to the Emperor at court.

"Dear Emperor, we are sent by Commander Tung to send you a message. We have reason to believe that the Rourans may be headed to the Imperial City to attack." Shang said.

"What, but I thought they were eliminated in the battle by your battalion?" the Emperor said in disbelief. "Yes, but Mulan has seen thousands of Rouran troops still alive, even after that battle," Shang replied. "Mulan? A girl, what is a girl doing out in the battlefields...?" the Emperor wondered looking at the petite lady kneeling in front of him. Mulan shifts nervously and braces herself to tell the truth. But suddenly, a huge explosion is heard outside

How I would rewrite Mulan 2020Where stories live. Discover now