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WAKING UP TO A PAIR OF STRANGERS' ARMS AROUND YOU IS KINDA WEIRD. But to Janiyah, who's done this a few times already, it slowly became something normal to her. Why did she do it, because of love? No, she never fell in love. She simply wanted the reward that came afterwards. The men would promise her something for a pleasurable night together then she'd leave and never see them again.

Which was what she'd try to do now, except she found herself restrained by the man's arms, holding her back tightly.

If she woke him, she'd be forced to stay a little while longer. She didn't have time for that. See, what she'd won for the previous night was a third-class ticket to the RMS Titanic which would take her to New York. She'd been born in New York, traveled to England and decided to head back with this newly-built unsinkable ship.

After managing to slip out of the man's arms, she got herself dressed quietly, careful not to wake Henry who still slept peacefully on the small bed. She looked at herself in the cracked mirror leaning against a wall. She would wear men's clothing, including suspenders and all. It was more comfortable to her, compared to those horrid dresses and skirts.

The women would judge her. They would stare at her, with a disgusted look on their faces, which Janiyah would only return with a glare shot at them. They would whisper among each other loud enough for her to hear, she only ignored them. Did it matter if the women judge her? The men still loved her!

She had her bag ready in the corner of the room, she just needed to find the ticket... Henry said he had it in some drawer. He didn't say which. Silently, she searched through all the drawers in the room. Which were only two. So she easily found the papers, she double-checked to see if the information was correct and stuffed it into her bag.

"Janiyah?" a gruff voice with a soft British accent called for her attention. "Are you leaving already?"

Janiyah turned slowly to face him, watching as he sat up on the bed, the sheets slipping down to reveal his bare chest. She had to admit, he was hot, and would probably stay in bed with him a little while longer if the ship wasn't departing soon.

"Yup, gotta go!" Rushing out of the room, she added, "Sayonara, baby!"

"No, no, wait, don't go downstairs!" he shouted, but Janiyah already left the room.

She heard him jump out of bed, hurrying to put on his clothes. Janiyah was already at the staircase, heading downstairs into the small living room.

"Who the hell are you?"

Just as she reached the door to exit the house, she turned to see a woman who seemed to be in her 50's or 60's. It must be Henry's mother.

"Hi, Mrs. Henry's mom!" She said while opening the door, stepping outside. "I had a wonderful visit with your son, maybe I'll come back one day," and with that, she shut the door, heading into the outside world. Poor Henry, he's gonna get in so much trouble.

Heh, I love a good prank.

His mother was heard yelling at him from inside the house, which wasn't very sound-proof. Looking back to the house, Janiyah chuckled, then continued on, bag swung over her shoulder.

The walk to the docks took about an hour. Janiyah was eighteen-years-old but hadn't found the money to buy some sort of transportation, not even a horse, which were cheaper than cars. It didn't matter though, she'd gotten used to having to walk wheres she needed to go.

The ship was gigantic. It was unbelievable, she stood there in awe. Never in her life had Janiyah seen such a humongous ship. It'd probably be the largest moving object she'd ever seen. She could tell that, despite being in third-class, she'd have plenty of fun there.

Once boarded onto the RMS Titanic, she headed to find her room so she could leave her bag and explore the ship. After a few minutes of running around, looking for her assigned room, she found it. She'd been given a key but the door was unlocked. There wasn't any reason for them to be locked as there was nothing to steal. The first-class people were who needed to worry about that.

Opening the door, inside revealed three other men who seemed to have just arrived as well. They were confused when they saw a woman enter their room, asking "Where's Henry?" as Janiyah placed her bag on the top bunk on the right of the room.

"Henry is in trouble and decided he wanted to give his ticket to me," Janiyah stated, turning to shake hands with the three men. She really didn't mind having to sleep in the same room as three men. She was raised with four brothers, she'd be able to handle them just fine. "I'm Janiyah, now excuse me while I go and get lost in this giant ship."

With that, she left the room, sprinting up the staircase to reach the top deck of the ship, known as the poop deck. There were a bunch of people from the same class as her, waving to everyone down below them as the ship left the dock. Finally, back to New York!

Shoving through the hundreds of people, she found her way to the front of the deck. She didn't hesitate to place her two feet onto the railings while holding on to the top of the railing with her hands. Standing there, she closed her eyes, feeling the chilly breeze blow into her long, brown hair. This felt great. This would be a great trip.

That's when she felt someone shove her, causing her to lose her balance and almost fall over. "Watch it," she growled as she regained her balance, turning to see who dared to push her. That's when she met with a pair of familiar dark eyes and curly, orange hair. "Ray?"

"I told you I wouldn't be leaving you anytime soon," he joked, opening his arms to embrace her in a hug. Stepping off the rail, she hugged him back.

Ray had been her childhood best friend. There was never any romance between them, they were just extremely close to each other. Ray had been following Janiyah everywhere she went, no matter how many times she ditched him and traveled to the other side of the world. Somehow he just found a way to follow her. He never got angry for her ditching him, he thought of it as a challenge, actually. To see if he'd really follow Janiyah everywhere even if it seemed impossible.

After pulling away, she punched him harshly in the arm. "Don't ever try to push me off like that again!"

"I'm just returning the pranks you've done to me," he said.

She chuckled, "I really can't get away from you, can I?"

He shook his head. "I honestly had no idea you were coming," Ray admitted. "I wanted to see how it felt to be the one to ditch you. How did you get the ticket anyway?"

Janiyah smirked, "I have my ways."

"Did you—"

"Come on, Ray, lets explore the ship!" She interrupted him, sprinting passed him as he then closely followed. There was so much they could explore in the ship, she just couldn't seem to waste any time.


author's note !
so here's the first chapter! feel free to tell me what you think about it in the comments, and vote if you enjoyed.

i will be updating from now on mondays and thursdays to let you guys know when to expect an update.

thanks for reading!

thanks for reading!

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