Six: the car ride

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Noah's POV

*When Sadie picked us up, I sat in the back with y/n, because Sadie was driving, and Millie was in then passenger seat.*

Millie: hey! I'm having a party this weekend if you want to come y/n?
Y/n: ya that sounds fun but I'm sure my parents wouldn't let me.
Sadie: oh come on! Just tell them your gonna sleep over at millie's place!
Y/n: they will kill me if they found out I lied!
Noah: I'll be there, I'll be fine!

*i can tell that she was a little nervous to answer, so I rest my arm on hers and say:*

Noah: hey, it's gonna be ok, just remember you don't have to.
Y/n: thanks, Noah *she started to blush*
Noah: anytime!
Y/n: ok.. I'll go.

*i can tell that she felt pressured into saying yes, but I kept my mouth shut*

Millie: omg yay! Just text me if your aloud ok?
Y/n: ok...
Sadie: so Noah, what did you and y/n do in the closet?!
Noah: well, at first we talked about her project.. than she pulled out her phone and we watched stranger things, than we k-

*she covered her hand over my mouth and said:*

Y/n: Than we played truth or dare!
Noah: y-ya then she texted you and now here we are!
Millie: okay...
Sadie: sounds like you two had fun!
Y/n: ya, ya we did *she starts blushing*

*Sadie then dropped her off at home *

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