Fourty four

92 2 1

Y/n's POV

*i wake up I'm the middle of the night, about to puke. So I run to the bathroom and let it out.*

Millie: omg y/n! Are you okay
Y/n: y-ya *i puke again*
Millie: I'm coming in! *she comes in and holds my hair back*
Y/n: thanks *i catch my breath*
Millie: I can't sleep..
Y/n: well.. turn on the tv or something..
Millie: ok.
Y/n: night!
Mills: before you go to bed imma check your temperature, okay?
Y/n: fine

*she checks it then looks up at. Me with a worried face*

Millie: NOAH!
Noah: I'm up! *he says in his tired voice* what is it?
Millie: Look...
Noah: oh my god.. how are you feeling y/n?
Y/n: like a piece of shit.. what does it say!
Noah: umm.. 110..
Y/n: what?!
Noah: ya..
y/n: .....

*i run back to our room, and start to cry.*

(Not bold is you bold is joe)

Hey sorry to bug this late..

Anything, what's up!?


Huh? Omg is that what your fever is at?!

Umm ya...

Go have a cold bath!

I'm gonna wake everyone up tho!

It doesn't matter! Go!

Kk thanks..

Call me if it gets worse, okay?

Okay bye

*we hang up and I run back to millie*

Y/n: I'm having a shower
Millie: but it's 3 in he morning?!
Y/n: I don't care! I need to get better
Millie ya.. okay!

Noah's POV

*i feel so bad for y/n! She has a fever of 110!*

Millie: umm Noah? Can we talk?
Noah: s-sure
Millie: doesn't a really bad fever start to mess with your head? Like hallucinate and stuff?
Noah: ya.. shit! What do we do?!
Millie: well she's having a shower to try and get it down..
Noah: I'll wake up the others!
Millie: okay

*i run downstairs and wake everyone up.. Sadie doesn't look to good...*

Caleb: what is it?! Cant we sleep?!
Noah: it's y/n..
Gaten: whats wrong with her?!
Noah: her fever is 110...
Finn: WHAT?!
Sadie: imma throw up *she runs into the bathroom and starts puking*
Gaten: how come we aren't sick?
Noah: I'm not sure...
Finn: what if it's a girl sickness? *they laugh*
Noah: it actually could be...
Gaten: well ima go back to bed now
Finn: same
Noah: wait! I needed to tell you guys that when you have a high fever.. it messes with your brain, doesn't it?
Finn: ya it does! Oh my god...
Caleb: I'm sure she'll be fine
Noah: ya your right..

Y/n's POV

*i was in the shower when I hear someone barge in the room*

Y/n: hello?
Sadie: hi- *she pukes*
Sadie: ... *she gags*

*i quickly get dressed and help Sadie with her hair. I tie her hair into a pony tail so it doesn't get in the way.*

Y/n: I knew that was gonna happen!
Sadie: I knew too.. but I don't care I just wanted to make you better!
Y/n: well at least were sick buddies now... *she laughs*
Sadie: ya, I feel like shit tho..
Y/n: welcome to my world..
Sadie: I'm gonna go back to bed..
y/n: me too.. feel better!
Sadie: you too..

*i go back into Noah's room and go back to sleep.*
*in the morning Noah was there, but with a bucket beside him, and a box of Kleenex.*

Y/n: oh my god are you sick?! *he nods* I told you this was gonna happen!
Noah: it's not your fault, y/n it's mine
Y/n: well is everyone else okay?!
Noah: well they're sick.. but not nearly as bad as you.. or me
Y/n: I'm so sorry I'm an idiot!
Noah: no your not!
Y/n: wait- what's that? *i say pointing to something.*
Noah: there's nothing there.. y/n, are you okay?
Y/n: what? You can't see that?!
Noah: y/n, you need to lay down
Y/n: no!

*i run down the stairs and go into the living room. Curled up in a ball crying*

Finn: are you okay?
Y/n: I- there's something wrong with me..
Gaten: it's just the fever messing with your head *i hear a knock on the door*
Finn: I'll get it! Hello?
???: Hi where's y/n?
Finn: who are you?
???: a friend of y/n's...
Finn: she's sick.. she doesn't want visitors.
???: let me in now!

*they hit Finn on the head and he falls unconscious.*
*i run up to Finn and try to wake him up.*

???: long time no see!
Y/n: who are you?!
???: has it really been that long?
Y/n: m-mom?! Go away!
Mom: and what if I don't?!
Y/n: I'll-ill kill you!
Mom: you wouldn't
Y/n: you really wanna bet on that?
Mom: your a little piece of shi-

*i run to the kitchen grab a frying pan and smack her in the head with it. She falls to the ground*
*then I feel someone shaking me*

Noah: y/n?!
Y/n: huh? What?!
Noah: you had a bad dream are you okay?
Y/n: i-I killed her...
Noah: killed who?
Y/n: m-my mom I k-killed her... I have to go

*i run out of the room with my hand covering my mouth as I run to the bathroom. With Noah following me.*

Y/n: what's wrong with me, Noah? *i gag*
Noah: I-I don't know but it's gonna be okay!
Y/n: what happened?
Noah: well you claimed you saw something.. I told you to lay down.. then you fainted...
Y/n: where's Sadie! Is she okay?!
Sadie: I-I'm fine *she says standing in the doorway* are YOU okay?
Y/n: I-i think so...
Noah: your just sick, we'll take you to the doctors tomorrow if you want?
Y/n: no... I'm okay...
Noah: okay... let's go back and watch Super girl, okay?
Y/n: yay!

*we walk back to our room, and lay down in the bed.*
*all of a sudden I start to feel really dizzy. I hav felt this way all day, but nothing this bad..*

Y/n: Noah?
Noah: ya?
Y/n: I'm really dizzy
Noah: it's okay, you just need to rest
Y/n: okay... I love you

*we lay down and watch supergirl for a bit.*

Y/n: it's getting late.. I'm gonna see how sadie's doing..
Noah: I'll help you

*we get up and he helps me walk downstairs*

Y/n: Sadie?
Sadie: over here *she says laying in the couch with a lot of blankets covering her.*
Y/n: how are you feeling?
Sadie: getting better.. I wonder how no one else has gotten sick...
Y/n: me too.. but I think u and the others should go home to rest. Okay?
Sadie: okay.. come in guys bye y/n!
Y/n: bye everyone..

*everyone walks out the door and we head back upstairs.*
*then I get a message.*

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