pain & tears of love

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i was so much excited for the match to start up it was only 15 mins left for the match to start but it seemed an hour to me because i could not wait to see him playing

i passed my time by thinking about what he must be doing right now and all suddenly my brother appeared after playing with his friends

Jenny's brother's pov

Omg what is wrong with her it seemed she hates football but oh my lord what is wrong with her! Has she started liking some football player like the other girls of the society because it is very true "boys love football And girls love football players" but i need to make a plan and find out what is going on in her head !


hey sister what are you waiting for ?

nothing bro. Just waiting for a football match my friends suggested to watch this match because they all are going too !

Ohh okay fine then

15 mins later ..

Jenney's pov

and now the match has started ney is singing the national anthem of brazil n i see tears in his beautiful hazel green eyes he is so passionate about his country and his carrier he is such a great man :')

i thought in my mind and suddenly he goaled and it was an awesome goal by mr. Junior after a few minutes the first half was over every body left the pitch to get freshed up n i also left the room and hurried so i don't miss the second half and came fast with some juice N suddenly what i saw was obviously jaw droping my heart was beating fast my eyes could not believe what it saw neymar flug his shirt up to adjust his pants and when i saw his bare hot tooned body i was so amazed to know that such sexy man with such great sense of mind was alive on earth after the last goal by neymar it was only bearly a minute to go for the match to end neymar was running with the ball and suddenly somebody hit his back with his foot first off all i thought it would be not that serious but suddenly neymar started crying in pain at the ground my body felt clenched up i felt so bad i didn't beleive tears were falling down my eyes seeing him in pain .. !! :(

oh lord why is it happening to me

Am i falling in love with him so badly !! .

That night i was so worried about neymar is he alright is his back okay or not will he play the next match or not n the main question in my mind was "am i falling for him so badly that i can't even see him in pain" ? :/


Hey ppl how are you? :)

i know i'm being so late with my chapters but i'm sorry i was busy with my examintion i will soon update the next chapter i promise! :)

like and comment you views on this hiw you felt that time ..

Thankyou lovlies xx :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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