Chapter 3 🦕

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Hey y'all! Welcome back to our story Keeping Up With the Swype House! pls follow @bradd.isonforever and @braddison.easterling on instagram and tik tok <3

*at Avanis house*

Avani's Pov-

The sunlight shined through my blinds. Ugh why does the sun have to be so bright. I flipped over to see Anthony laying by me. He blinked open his eyes and gave me a kiss.  "Morning bean" God this man makes me so happy.

Anthony- "What time is it?" He yawned very loud.

I looked over at the clock. Whoops it's a little late. "It's 10:30."

Anthony- "Beb we gotta get ready. We're supposed to hangout with the other couples." He looked over at his phone and started opening his mouth.

Anthony- "Omg.."

I didn't like the suspense. "WHAT?"

Anthony- "We have another 'couple' joining us.."
He air quoted the word couple. I looked at his phone and saw that Bryce and Addison were possibly coming.
"Wait yay I love Addison." We quickly got out of bed to eat breakfast. Bryce and Addison hmm. I think I kinda like this ship.

*switches to the Damelios house (where Mads and addison are staying) *

Addisons Pov-

I woke up to see Mads smiling at me. "AGHHHH! Mads wth"

Mads- "I have news for you"

Okay what is up this girl is smiling so big right now. "What is it.." I said hesitantly

Mads- "You're coming with me and Jaden and the other couples today."

"Mads.. no I don't wanna be the odd one out.." I stopped talking because this girl was still smiling at me. I gave her an odd look because I was very confused. Then I realized what she was talking about. I kind of smiled.
"Wait hold on.."


We turned our head to Charli walking to our room with her day old refrigerated Dunkin.
Charli- "Woah what's with all the energy."

We all laughed and she sat down next to us.

Mads- "Addison is possibly going on a group date with Bryce. She just has to agree now."

Charli covered her mouth and looked at me with widened eyes.


I deeply thought about it. It was just one little group date type thing. Maybe I can get to know him better. Okay okay. "Okayyy I will go"

I don't think I ever heard a louder scream than Mads and Charli's just now.

Amelies Pov-

I woke up to see Blake sleeping like a baby. I didn't want to wake him so I slipped out of the bed and made my way into the kitchen. I don't know what I'm expecting to find. Like cmon this is Jaden and Bryces house. I found some Cheerios so I decided to make a bowl of cereal. As I was eating I heard Blake coming from behind me. He gave me a hug from behind and made his way to the fridge.

Blake- "Are you excited for today?"

I finished chewing and answered, "Of course"

Blake's Pov-

I really like Amelie. She's everything a guy could ask for. I'm just nervous to ask the big questions so for right now we agreed to stay "besties." I saw Jaden come in from the corner of my eye.

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