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"Kambe," Haru called, eyes focused on his computer, "Can you get me a coffee, please? The one from that cafe next to the station?"

Not even a millisecond later, Daisuke stood up and was headed to the door, "Of course."

Kamei blinked, still taken aback by the millionaire's behavior. It started about 2 weeks ago when Haru was shot and admitted to the hospital. Kamei had never seen Kambe look so distraught and panicked, snapping at everyone and even his sister. He knew that Kambe never left Haru's side. Kambe, who called the best doctors in Japan and transferred Haru to one of the best hospitals in Japan.

Now, the man was like a lovestruck puppy or a doting husband. "Kambe, can you get me this?" or "Kambe, can you do this?". Without hesitation, every one of Haru's requests was done with utmost efficiency. Even the Haru's comments like "I like roses a lot. I heard that blue ones are impossible to find, though." were done within a few minutes (Accompanied by Haru's bright red face and extremely creative curse words. Daisuke seemed pleased by it though.)

"What the hell...?" Kamei whispered to himself as Daisuke came back with a coffee in hand and the fondest and loving look on his face.

"No fucking way," Kamei whispered, realizing what this situation was.

Teppei gave him a confused look before following his gaze and spitting his coffee.

Saeki tilted her head, "What's wrong?"

"We have a fucking simp in our division."

"Man, come to think of it-"

"Whatever you're going to say, don't say it, Shinnosuke."

"Aww, c'mon, Katou-"


"We never see Kambe-san without his coat, huh?" Katou whipped around to glare in betrayal at Saeki. She smiled and tapped her cheek, "I mean, it's quite hot in here isn't it?"

"Quite hot, she says!" Teppei grumbled, "It's drier than the damn desert!" Katou chuckled at that but put on a stern face, "It's rude to talk behind Kambe's back anyways."

Kamei sighed, "Kambe-san is so lucky to have such an attentive wife!" Haru nearly punched him but Kamei dodged just in time. He was an idiot, though, so he taunts Haru one last time, "You didn't say no to being his wife!" before Haru decked him in the face.

Meanwhile, Teppei came up with an idea. After letting Haru get a few hits in, he spoke up, "Hey, let's have a bet! Whoever can get Kambe-san to take off his coat gets 2000 yen!"

"Make it 3000!" Kamei grinned, probably because he had brain damage.

Saeki hummed, "Well, I guess that could be fun?"

"This is stupid," Haru pouted, "Whatever, I'm in."

"This is fucking impossible!" Kamei whined, Katou just rolled his eyes. Kamei tried everything from pretending to trip and pulling Daisuke's coat down, to turn the heater up. In all those times, the wealthy man didn't seem bothered at all, the only thing betraying his cool persona was the beads of sweat dripping down from his forehead, and even then, he managed to look cool.

Teppei was too lazy to try anything other than asking Daisuke to take off his jacket, Cho-san went with the same approach. Saeki tried to bribe the millionaire with gummies and sweets. However, none of their methods seemed to work!

"Why haven't you tried yet?" Teppei asked Haru.

Haru shrugged and answered with a bored hum, "It's not like I actually care. I just wanted Kamei off my back."

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