Yuki san's Boundary, Yorishiro and story?

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3rd person POV:

As the h/c ghost inspects the trio, before they could even process what's going on she attacks Hanako.

Hanako quickly takes out his knife to try and block her attack. Everyone was confused because they didn't know that her bow was extremely sharp so it could be used as a weapon. "Oi, what the hell do you think youre doing?" Yells Kou and he tries to help Hanako

Hanako POV:

Out of the blue No. 8 tries attacking me. What the.....? Why didn't anyone tell me that her bow was sharp. As the h/c ghost tries cutting me multiple times, the Minamoto boy steps in just as she was about to get me......and all Yashiro can do is watch........

Wait...... Every school mystery has a yorishiro right? "Yashiro!! Her Yorishiro!!! Do you think you can get it?"

Her Yorishiro seems to be nowhere in sight......maybe in her boundary somewhere. All i know is to enter Yuki san's boundary, you must touch a particular place on the wall.

Looking around for her Yorishiro and fighting is extremely hard even with the help of the boy.

Bingo!!! "Yashiro, that problem piece of the wall, fix it! That will lead us to her boundary!!" Yashiro nods her head and runs towards the wall and manages to fix it together......

Y/n POV:

So they're trying to find my Yorishiro huh? At first i was just gonna get rid of the ghost but it seems the girl and boy have also become threats to me.

Minamoto swings his staff at me at the same time the ghost does to try and distract me from the girl. I jump up and flip over them, landing behind them using my long bow to swipe under their feet making them fall.

Just as i was about to end them, our surroundings changed to a beautiful place full of snow and beauty..... My boundary!!!

These idiots do realize that me being in my boundarymakes it easier for me to take them out right?

"Haha haha haha haha" i started laughing hysterically. "You guys do realize that i can defeat you easily in my own territory right? I say as I chuckled.

Yashiro, kou and Hanako POV:

'SO SHE CAN TALK!!!' Her voice is really beautiful though.

Y/n POV:

"Oi, I'm guessing you're trying to reach my Yorishiro right? I guess I'll take out Yashiro first then" I say while pointing to the daikon looking girl.....

A look of confusion becomes visible on their faces...... Crap, i let it slip that i know Yashiro.

"How do you know my name?" Asks Yashiro. "How would you feel if i told you i know you?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

Since all my attention was on Yashiro i didn't notice the ghost boy creeping behind me when suddenly, he slashes my mask off.

"L/N SAN, L/N SENPAI?" scream Minamoto and Yashiro with shocked faces. "So this is the 8th wonder huh? Interesting........" mutters the ghost boy to himself.

My face forms into a scowl. "So you found out huh? Well it doesn't matter anyways.....I'm gonna end all of you" i say while running towards Minamoto.

Yashiro POV:

She's become faster now that she's in a her own boundary. Kou and I can hardly keep up. I've got to find her Yorishiro......and fast.

As i look around i spot a small traditional house...... Maybe its in there. I've got to be quiet otherwise she'll notice and end me quickly.

As i open the door to the little house, i see its decorated with little torches....its actually quite pretty though..... Maybe i can.....NO! Nene you cannot get distracted. I look towards the end of the corridor and i see a door. I hear a thud outside followed by a feminine scream of terror....gotta act fast.

I open the door looking for any place the Yorishiro will be........found it! Its on the a small book about....archery?

As i was about to rip it off, i hear footsteps running. They seem too light to belong to one of the boys that means its L/n san.

The door suddenly opens and as i turn around book in my hand, I am met with the angry face of L/n san. Just as she was about to reach for me........

I rip off the Yorishiro and her face is one of horror. Our surroundings suddenly change and it seems like we're in the past.

The fact that we're in the past isn't what shocks me....its what i see........

And what i see that leaves me in pure shock is..............

A/n: Haha! Wanna know what Yashiro sees? Wait till the next chapter. I'll publish that one as soon as i can🙃

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