Telling Draco

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(17th of July, 1997) Sarafina's POV

It's been two weeks since we got home. The plan is all set to bring Harry here in ten days. We are going to have six people pretend to be Harry. Encase the death-eaters attack. Each pair has a different destination. Hermione had moved in after sending her parents away for their own safety. I helped Ron prepare the ghoul for when he left with Harry and Hermione on their journey to look for horcruxes.

Everything is ready for Bill and Fleur's wedding. Which is happening of August 1st. All invites have been sent. Mum has been working tirelessly to prepare the food with Ginny and my help. The wedding is being held outside and a huge marque will be set up for the reception. I pray nothing goes wrong on my big brother's special day.

Anyway on a more important note I still haven't had my period. I've told Hermione and Ginny. We gathered in our shared room to do the pregnancy test. "So do you have a test?" Hermione asks me.

"Test?" Ginny asks her.

"A pregnancy test" Hermione clarifies. We had warded the door so no one can enter the room or hear us. But we can hear if someone calls for us.

"You mean the stick thing muggles use?" I ask her and she nods her head. "Wizards have a more guaranteed way of determining if a witch is pregnant" I tell her. "A spell, if my wand shines red I'm not pregnant. If it shines white I am" I explain to her.

"Hermione can do the spell if you want" Ginny suggests.

"No, it'll be easier if I do it" I tell them. I stop twirling my wand and take a calming breath. I wave my wand over my flat stomach. "Graviditatis revelare" I say and my wand glows white. I sigh placing my wand down and lay on the bed.

"Congrats" Ginny says unsure how to react.

"What will you do Sara?" Hermione asks me curious.

"I have to tell Draco before I think of what to do" I tell them.

"But you haven't heard from him since Dumbledore died" Ginny reminds me.

"I know" I say with a groan.

"You could try writing to his mother" Hermione suggests.

"I think I may have too" I tell them. I sit up and place a hand on my stomach. "I just can't believe this is happening. We had it all planed out so that this wouldn't happen. And it happens anyway, all because I forgot to take a stupid potion" I whine as tears fill my eyes. They sit either side of me and hug me.

"It'll be ok Fina" Ginny assures me.

"You have us, your family, and Harry. I know Draco will love your baby" Hermione adds. I give them both a small smile. "Are you going to tell your parents?" she asks me.

"After I send an owl to Draco's mum, Ginny can you get me Pig?" I ask. She nods her head and rushes off. "I have to tell him in person, but we'd be lucky to have a moment alone" I mumble. Then remember felix and rush to my half unpacked trunk. I find the potion and grabs a spare vial. I place a few drops of the potion into it and cork it. That should be enough for a couple hours of luck. More then enough time to tell Draco about the pregnancy and for us to get home in one piece.

I wrote a quick note to Narcissa. Telling her to give Draco the vial and tell him to meet me at the hill that over looks the shrieking shack. On the 21st at one o'clock. Ginny returns with Pig. I place the vial and note in an envelope. I tie it to Pig's leg. "Take this to Malfoy Manor, it's for Narcissa Malfoy. Be quick and don't be seen by anyone else but her" I tell him. He hoots and takes off out of the window.

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