Shell Cottage

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Sarafina's POV

I had to postpone my healer appointment. Draco was not happy and neither was I. We both wanted to know how our baby is doing. Ginny and I have been in Shell Cottage for nearly week. We were having dinner one night when we hear someone apparate outside.

"Wand" I mouth and she draws it. I draw mine and we go back to back. Me standing in between her and the front door. Someone knocks on it.

"Ginny, Sara. It's Bill and Fleur" Bill's voice says. I look at Ginny and gesture for her to be quiet.

"What was the last thing we talked about?" I ask.

"You were congratulating Fleur and I on our marriage" he states. "What's your animagus form?" he asks.

"Mountain Lion" I say relaxing a little. I unlock the door but keep my wand raised. Both Bill and Fleur enter the house without a problem. I drop my stance and race to Bill hugging him tightly. Ginny does the same.

"Are the others ok?" Ginny asks as we pull away.

"Yes, they are all fine. Harry and the other two got away safely. Remus was in touch with them the other day. They are fine" Bill explains. "By the way nice job with the modified curse barrier" he tells me with a smile.

"I had a good teacher" I tell him with a smile. "I actually had two barriers up" I tell him. One around the property and one around the house itself. Had you had the dark mark, you would of not been able to get in" I state.

"Good job, I put the barriers back up around the house" he tells me.

"Can I go home?" Ginny asks him.

"No, mum wants you both to stay here until school starts" he tells me.

"You got a house from Dumbledore did you not?" Fleur asks me.

"Yes, I wanted to see it before school started. But they will have to wait, I guess" I state.

"Not if you and I go together" Bill tells me. "Charlie will meet us there and we'll do the Fidelius Charm. With him or me as your secret keeper. It'll become your perfect safe house" he states.

"I'd like that" I tell him with a smile.

"You both will go tomorrow and I shall look after Ginny with the twins" Fleur states.

"Fred and George are staying at home at the moment. But dad has the day off work tomorrow. So mum won't be alone, but after then. They'll stay with mum while dad is at work, so she'll not alone" Bill explains.

"I'm glad" I say.

"Same, she'd worry to much and we'll worry less knowing she's not alone" Ginny states. I nod my head in agreement. They join us for dinner. We then catch up before calling it a night.

(Next day)

I woke up early and got ready for the day. I grabbed my cloak and wand. Then head to the kitchen where Fleur is making French toast. "Morning Sara" Fleur says.

"Bonjour" I say with a smile.

"You have been practicing" she says with a smile.

"Can still only do greetings, thanks and goodbyes" I tell her sheepishly.

"You'll get there" she assures me. Bill and Ginny appears as she serves the French toast. We ate in silence until the twins arrive. Bill tested them before letting them in. Ginny and I hug them both happy they are ok.

"Lets go Sara, we'll be back in half an hour" he tells Fleur. She nods her head and kisses him. Before he and I leave. We apparate to Godric's Hallow.

We walk along the houses until we get to number 2137. It's a large two story house with an attic. Which has two windows. Charlie soon arrives and we go to the door. I use the key and unlock the house. We enter it to see it's clean, but empty. Looking like someone cleaned it.

A house elf appears in front of us with a pop. "Miss Weasley?" he asks me.

"Yes" I say.

"I am Pitts, I am from Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore asked that I have a team of elves clean the house for you. We finished yesterday, if you ever need help. Call on me and I shall send some help" he tells me.

"Thank you so much, you've all done lovely. Please return to Hogwarts, I'm sure you have a lot of work to do before school starts" I state.

"We do, good day Miss Weasley" he says before disappearing with a pop.

"This place sure is big" Charlie says looking around the foyer.

"I do plan on having at least three children, so I think it'll be a good size. And we'll still have room for guests" I state. "I won't connect it to the floo network until after the war. Only way in is through the front door. And they'll only be able to find the place if you tell them" I say looking at Charlie. Not that I don't trust Bill, but he has more to lose then Charlie.

"We should do this in the living room" Bill tells us. We go there and he does the charm. It's sort of like the unbreakable vow, but Charlie won't die by revealing the location. But no one can undo the spell except the wizard who cast it. It the secret keeper or if the house owners die.

"We going back to Shell Cottage?" Charlie asks us.

"Not yet, there's two places I wish to see before we leave" I tell them. I lead them to the centre of the village where there is a statue of Harry with his parents. I left a flower wreath and then we go to the graveyard. We search for a few minutes before we found Harry's parents grave stone. I clean it with a wave of my wand.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Potter, I'm a friend of your son Harry. I just wanted to tell you that he was in Gryffindor. He's grown into a fine wizard and is still fighting you-know-who. You'd be proud of him" I state. I make another flower wreath. "I'm done, lets go" I tell my brothers. We disapparate to Shell Cottage.

We answer a question each before we're let in. We have lunch together. Before the twins and Charlie left. "We'll have your place ready for you before Christmas" Bill tells me.

"Thank you, charge it all to this vault" I say handing him a key. "It's the key to mine and Draco's vault, we've bee putting money into it since fifth year. Also Draco's mine put a lot in there when she learned about the baby. Just get the basics, I'll get the other things once I finish school" I tell him.

"Duly noted" he says pocketing the key. "Be sure to take it easy at school, stress is bad for the baby" he tells me.

"I know that" I tell him. "I'll only focus on studying and try my best to forget the war while I'm there. It'll lower my stress levels" I state. "I don't want to risk early labor or a miscarriage, due to stress" I tell them.

"Good" he says.

"Don't worry, I'll look after her" Ginny tells him.

"I'm the older sister" I remind her.

"Doesn't mean I can't take care of my future niece of nephew" she states. "You thought of names?" she asks me curious.

"Been brainstorming with Draco, if it's a boy. Scorpius Hyperion Weasley-Malfoy" I tell them. "But we have still not settle on a girls name" I tell them.

"Ginevra is a nice name" Ginny tells me.

"Sorry, has to be star related" I tell her sheepishly.

"Damn it" she groans and we all chuckle. We continue to discuss the baby. Ideas for the nursery. Which I have talked to Draco about, but never hurts to get another opinion.


Picture above of Sarafina's new house and on the external link of Shell Cottage.

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