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"And where the hell do you think you are going Celo ,you literally embarrassed me in front of that girl ,what's your problem?", Gema asked immediately I finished my work and about entering  my room to freshen up

" Are you seriously going to do this now, I mean ,I'm tired and I also have places to go right now ,so if you would please excuse me",I said ,making an attempt to leave but she stopped me

"Celo baby ,I'm sorry ,but I don't like that girl ,she just came back few minutes ago and insulted me like I did something wrong to her", she grumbled as she rested her head on my chest and right hand on my chest
" Please Celo ,send her away", she pleaded

"Not in your wildest dreams Gema ,I choose whoever I want in this house and from what I've seen so far ,there's nothing wrong with Milan ,so please Gema step out or I'll help you with that ", I said as I pushed her aside roughly then made my way to the room ,I didn't even turn back to see if she fell or not

I got a call from this company Beauty Decor I was told they needed someone to buy the company since the man in charge wasn't interested in working again because of he thinks he's old enough for his children to take care of him ,I thought I would go over there and see what the company looks like since it would be better than building a new one ,and my company in Italy is making lots of progress ,so I had more than enough to pay for whichever company of my choice

After taking a shower and changing into an official wear ,I drove off immediately to the company ,not wanting to waste anymore of my time in this company thing

" Mr Santiago ,Mr Malcolm will be waiting for you in his office ",The receptionist said in a serious and also welcoming tone as she directed me to the last floor ,where I guess will be Mr Malcolm's office

Not bad ,the company looks well furnished and the materials are off the latest products and I'm impressed at how large the company looked

It's a little big bigger than my company in Italy ,but I still wonder why he would want to sell this beauty out and I'll do anything to take this company as mine

Well ,anything legal

" Oh Mr Santiago ,welcome welcome ,have a seat", The man in his late 50s said as he motioned me to seat opposite from him

I thought he said he was old ,my father is like 62 years old and still works like a teenager

"Thank you Mr Malcolm", I said as I took my seat

We spoke mostly about Italy and some other unrelated issues ,but i didn't sell of some information to him because I though it wasn't necessary

" So over to the topic at hand ,I want to sell this company and since your father is a well known man in this country ,I wouldn't mind selling it over to his son ,I'm tired of working ,I mean ,my younger daughter is a big surgeon and also own her own hospital Marcel Hospital ,and her elder sister is a top designer ,she owns Reagan's Styles and her ladies wear has gone viral that she's wanted in all countries for those wears ,she even model's for it", he explained about his families history like I care

Not to be rude ,but I'm hear for the company not his family's history

"So I want to join my wife to enjoy this world without having to work ,but I also plan on opening a Casino ,you know ,where I can go to aside from my home to relax ,and fine young girls can help with that ,you know what I mean ",he said with a hearty laugh as I just nodded to what he was saying

" So as you know ,Beauty Decor is a well known company all over the country and the world if I may add ,so I trust you to keep my legacy ,because from what I heard about you ,you own a big company back in your country and you are doing well just like your father and brother ,so I won't really have to talk much on this  ,the ....",

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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