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"You have that look on your face again" came a voice from the entrance of the bakery. Anne Tinker had been a friend of Cal's mother, the woman was one of the few lucky enough to make enough money to keep herself fed and comfortable. She was also one of Cal's more generous customers, buying enough bread for herself and a couple of others who may need it.

She was a gentle old woman whose dark brown skin was now sagging with the occasional wrinkle and her thick greying hair was worn in tight finger waves atop her head. Despite her age she was youthful woman at heart and there was always a brightness in her honey coloured eyes. She was a woman who had risen up enough to be able to support herself and others but was still humble enough to acknowledge that she was on the same ladder rung as everyone else who lived outside the high gated walls.

"This is my normal face" Cal responded, snapping himself out of his thoughts.

"No, your normal face is glum, this face is a scowl" she said with a chuckle. She had a basket on her arm which was not unusual when she came to collect bread, but this time Cal noted that it was not empty.

"What's that?" he asked, pointing towards the contents with his chin.

"Good eye" Anne gave a wink as she set the basket onto the counter, careful to avoid the dough he was still kneading.

"Now, I can't promise that this will be a regular thing but I had a little extra luck with the stall this month and I had some money tucked away for a long time," she began, her hands hovering over the red cloth that covered the contents of the basket. "And if there is anything, I can do to help that little baby sister of yours then you damn well better believe that I will do that thing."

Cal could barely believe what he was hearing, and he could barely accept it even as she handed him the small glass bottle of medicine.

"They said it'd last a month, I wish I could do more but-"

"No," Cal let out, his hand practically shaking as held the bottle. "This is more than we could have ever asked for. How can I repay you?"

"You don't have to repay me nothing" she responded with a shake of her head. "I don't do things to get things in return, I do things because I have the means to do them. Your mother was like a sister to me and I love you kids as if you were my own, I'd do anything for you."

Cal had moved from behind the counter now and it was the memory of the flower that dusted his hands and apron that made him pause as he moved to embrace her. She hugged him regardless, her dress getting dirtied, but her expression showed that she cared very little.

Their celebration was cut short by the sound of the door opening yet again, this time to reveal a rather plump man who appeared to be in his mid-fifties, though his fair skin had the ironed out appearance of one who had barely worked a single day in his life.

The man had a thick, greying moustache hiding his rather thin upper lip and the hair atop his head was thinned rather drastically.

"Ah, yes" he said as he entered, quite oblivious to questioning eyes that were now locked onto him. They had both took time to note his well polished boots and his finely crafted over coat. "You must be the proprietor of this establishment" he said, walking towards Anne with his hands folded.

Cocking an eyebrow at the stranger, Anne's eyes drifted towards Cal who was moving back behind the counter before she shook her head. "If you're looking for the owner he's the one you want."

"Oh, of course" he said as he turned to the young man who now had his arms crossed over his chest, shooting a suspicious glance towards him. The man appeared nervous, he was fidgeting and shifting as he approached the counter, rubbing at his hands and refusing to make eye contact with either of the occupants of the shop.

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