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Suggested by PinkPiggie1 thetea13

Louis doesn't leave Harry's side. He just lays beside him in the hospital bed, watching him sleep. Mitch gets discharged later that evening.
"No hard feelings Louis. Take care of our boy over there." He says before he leaves.

"My boy." Louis answers but his eyes are glittering with humor.

"My friend." Mitch retorts.

"Of course. I'm really sorry I hit you." Louis replies, sounding remorseful.

"I would have done the same thing if I thought that someone was taking advantage of my Sarah." Mitch says with a friendly smile.

"Oh, you have a girlfriend?" Louis asks surprised.

"I have a girlfriend, a fiance actually. You have nothing to worry about. I have no romantic interest in Harry besides, all he talks about is you. He really loves you. Treat him good." Mitch says before he leaves.

"We're heading out as well. Are you staying here?" Liam asks.

"Do you even have to ask that?" Louis chuckles.

The boys say goodbye and promise to come early the next morning to keep Harry company while Louis goes to his meeting with his lawyer.
"Where's everyone?"

Louis looks down at Harry.
"Hi, sleepyhead. They went home but they'll be back tomorrow morning."

"You can go too if you want to." Harry says.

"Why? You don't want me here?" Louis asks, sounding insecure.

"I want you here but you must have somewhere better to be." Harry protests.

"Absolutely not. I'm staying put. How's the arm? And the head?" Louis asks, eyeing Harry in concern.

"Pounding." Harry sighs.

Louis immediately pushes the red button on the wall to call for a nurse. He waits impatiently for a couple of seconds before he pushes the button again. A nurse comes running inside.
"He needs pain medication. He's in pain." Louis says. 

The nurse relaxes. No one is dying.
"I'll get some but Sir, visiting hours are over."

Louis snorts out loud.
"I'm his boyfriend. I'm not going anywhere!"

The nurse leaves the room and Louis looks over at Harry.
"You're my boyfriend?" Harry asks amused.

Louis blushes crimson red.
"Oh, I really hope I can be your boyfriend again. If you can forgive me?"

"I need answers, Lou. Why on earth would you sign that contract?" Harry asks with furrowed eyebrows.

Louis sighs and rubs the back of his neck.
"I didn't have a choice really. They blackmailed me. They told me that they would destroy your career, your life. I couldn't let them do that to you."

Harry tears up immediately.
"Oh Lou, I wish you would have told me. We could have figured something out together."

"Yeah, they cornered me and I panicked. I was just trying to protect you." Louis answers emotionally.

"And I love you for it but we lost so many years together." Harry says, tears spilling over.

"I'm so sorry baby. I messed up. But I didn't see a way out." Louis answers, lower lip trembling.

"I forgive you." Harry says and looks him firmly in the eyes.

"Yeah?" Louis has a hard time believing it.


Louis nuzzles in closer and they cry in each other's arms.
"I have the medication, oh is this a bad time?" The nurse asks as she enters the room.

"No." Louis says and dries his cheeks.

Harry swallows the pills he's offered and lays his head back down on the pillow again. The nurse leaves. They spend the rest of the evening talking about everything they can think of until Harry falls asleep again. Louis closes his eyes and drifts off as well. 

"Look how cute they are!" Niall whispers.

Louis grunts and opens his eyes. His three former bandmates are all standing around the bed staring at them with smiles on their faces.
"Creeps." He mutters.

The boys just smirk.
"It's seven o'clock. Don't you have a meeting to get to?" Liam says.

Louis looks over at Harry. He really doesn't want to leave him.
"We'll take good care of him." Zayn promises.

"No offense mate but you should get home and change first. You look like a hobo." Niall grins.

Louis rolls his eyes but sits up. Harry stirs and wakes up.
"Where are you going?"

"Hi Love, I have to go to a meeting with my lawyer." Louis replies with that soft voice he always gets when it comes to Harry.

"Why?" Harry asks and furrows his eyebrows.

"Ehm, Modest is suing me for breaching my contract but I'm suing them as well so..." Louis answers.

Harry's eyes grow wide.
"Is it because you showed me the contract?"

"Absolutely not! This is not your fault sweetheart. Okay? I'll be back before you know it." Louis answers and pecks Harry's lips before he gets up from the bed.

"Treat him like a princess!" He orders the boys and heads out the door.

He manages to get home and take a quick shower and knocks on his lawyer's door at 07.58. Mr. MacManus greets him and they sit down to go through the case. Three hours later he rushes back to the hospital to find that Harry is about to get discharged. He enters the room just as the doctor asks "do you live alone?"

"He's going home with me." Louis says and locks eyes with Harry.

Harry breaks out in a dimpled smile.
"Yeah, I'm going home with him."

Louis lets out a breath of relief. It seems like Harry actually has forgiven him even if he doesn't understand how he can do that. They just smile at each other like two fools. The doctor is still talking and Harry looks at him in confusion.
"Ehm, I'm sorry, what?"

"A lot of rest. Take it easy and no sexual activities for a week." The doctor smiles.

"A week?" Harry screeches looking mortified.

Zayn, Liam, and Niall burst out laughing and Louis looks amused. Harry blushes but laughs along. Niall runs to get a wheelchair on Louis' order and Harry rolls his eyes at him but he knows better than to protest. Louis wants to take care of him and there's nothing else he wants more for the moment.

What happens next?

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