Marlie- Guys I'm having a party

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I got home from Starbucks and I was now staring down at the inside of my computer in the darkness of my room. I was just about done hacking it so that I could access other people's computers. I thought I was done and I plugged the hard drive in and connected the red and blue wire together. Sparks flew all around my room.

"Shit!" I screamed.

I heard my little brother, Jackson start crying in the other room.

"Shuddap!" I yelled sighing.

I walked over to him and lifted him out of his crib.

My parents were never home to take care of him. I'd probably have to bring him to school next week.

Next week... Holy crap! Summer is almost over and all I'd ever done was sit in my room!

I needed to do something.... What's fun? Video games? Shipping? Setting things on fire? Parties....

Parties are fun, right?

I took out my phone and looked at my texts.

Kathryn: I'm soooo booored

Aaron: Oh well

Jake: If you guys would stop texting I am at work!


Jake: Not rly. There are jails

Lily: realy*

Aaron: hahaha you spelled it rong

Lily: well I'm driving!

Aaron: so am I but u don't see me spellin things rong

Lily: Actually, *you *spelling *wring

Lily: *wronf

Lily: *wrong

Adrian: Ugh there's nothing to do and schools coming!

Kathryn: Ikr this sux

Jake: Fine! If u guys won't stop I'm just gonna turn off my phone

Adrian: Why doesn't your mom turn off your phone?

Kathryn: that doesn't even remotely make sense

Lily: Umm guys I just got crashed into by a car
I didn't really read farther than that I just opened my laptop, forgetting that I broke it and it sparked everywhere.

I chucked it across the room in frustration and it landed with the others. Why couldn't life be perfect? I just wanted to have a stupid party!

I stumbled down the spiral staircase Jackson still in my arms. My house had pretty much been untouched this whole summer. I mean, there were bowls and plates in the sink and such, but other than that this huge place had not moved for two months. I sat at our rarely used dining table and opened my phone. It was Monday. I had work on Monday's. Cursed freaking Monday's!

I ran back up the stairs and put my uniform on and ran to my car. I started up the engine a sped away.

There was major traffic at the intersection. These two douches rammed their cars together.

Well, I was getting fired... I guess I didn't need the money... I just liked discounts on technology because I broke a computer like, every other week.

It's not like I was good at the job or anything. It was just funny seeing how people reacted when I was a bitch to them. Sometimes I just laughed in their faces.

When I finally got there I was "only" two hours late. I realized that I brought Jackson inside and also, that I wasn't wearing shoes...

The line at the desk was long and Jake was at the counter talking to some grouchy lady.

"How do I turn it on?" She asked.

"Just the button on the top, mam." Jake replied.

"Don't tell me what to do!" She said storming out of the place.

"Here let me take over." I said.

"What? Marlie? Where were you?" Jake asked.

"I was teaching a unicorn how to twerk." I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes.

"I can finally go on break now!" He sighed.

"Good luck."

Jake walked out the door.

"Ahem!" The impatient man in front of me said.

"Ahem, what, Asshole? I'm not gonna focus my whole life on you."

"Stupid girl! That is not the proper way to greet a customer!"

"Do I look proper to you?"

Honestly, I definitely did not my hair was messed and again, no shoes.

"I'm leaving!" He said.

"Whatever!" I said as he walked out the door.

The next customer approached the counter.

"What do you want?" I asked the woman.

"Umm... I would like-

My phone started ringing.

"Yello?" I said into the phone.

"You're fired." The voice was none other than my boss, who was apparently standing behind me.

"What did I do?" I asked.

There was a long list of things I could've done to get fired but, I knew I should find out what he knew first.

"You are fired for being extremely late, being rude to customers, insulting customers, texting too much on the job, and bringing a baby to work!"

"I see you point but-"

"But what? You needed the money? Your family's one of the richest in town, you spoiled brat!"

Oh, I was not a spoiled brat!

"Bitch, Puh lease!"

That was all I said before stomping out.

I know. Good comeback right?

Lol, no.

My phone beeped and I turned it on.

The screen read: 5 New Text Messages

I scoffed. "Text Messages."

Kathryn: I am still bored

Jake: Try my job for a day! I had a 10 min break and then my boss told me to come back!

Adrian: gah!

Kathryn: Ugh

Marlie: Guys, I'm having a party.

Kathryn: I like parties! Where and when?

Marlie: 35660 Stormbrook Court 8:00

Adrian: She could be a criminal! Don't go there!

Kathryn: I'm bored and it's a free country!

Jake: not really...

Marlie: You all better be there!

I shut off my phone and drove back to my lovely empty house.

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