Revenge Is Sweet~

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It wasn't that Jongdae didn't mean to be a troll to his hyungs or dongsaengs.

Nah, he totally meant it. What was funner than pulling pranks on his band members until they begged for mercy?

Something Xiumin was more than likely going to experience.

It'd been three months since Xiumin's series of pranks on Chen, and the younger still had problems getting over it.
He couldn't look at his favorite dishes without cringing, the thought of the spicy cookies still clear in his mind.
He couldn't take a shower without worrying that there was a plastic bag over the shower head, with only a tiny hole poked into it to tease him.

He had trust issues, dammit.

No, Minseok was gonna pay for everything he'd done to Chen that day. He'd spent the last three months planning this revenge; none of the other boys even knew of it.

Should he prank them too?
Nah. The thought was ignored almost as soon as it materialized in Chen's brain, and he smirked.
Xiumin thought he was classy when he pranked Chen with the simplest, oldest jokes in the book?
Just wait until he wakes up.

Normally, any other person would be sleeping at six in the morning.
Especially when eleven other men were in the dorm, and three of them could easily kick his ass at one little sound.
And yes, he was referring to Baekhyun, Tao, and Kyungsoo.
Pushing his hair out of his face, Chen smirked as he passed Xiumin's room, the loud, tell-tale snores easily heard.

First, he went into the bathroom. Grabbing Xiumin's baby powder, he pulled a large grocery sack out from under the sink carefully, as to not make any noise, and pulled out the itch powder.

"Sorry, not sorry, hyung," he sang-songed to himself quietly, dumping the baby powder into the trash, making sure not to make a mess and making a mental note to empty it before his hyung woke up.
Refraining himself from laughing evilly, Chen carefully tapped the itch powder into the baby powder container, biting his bottom lip harshly.

Poor Baozi.

Two donuts sat on the plate before Chen, and he tentatively poked one.
It was squishy - it had the delicious filling in it.
Smirking, he grabbed the plain one and grasped his home-made donut-filler gently. Poking a hole into the side of the donut, he slowly filled it with mayo, making sure that it wasn't too painfully obvious.
Just to make sure karma didn't bite him in the ass, he took a bite of the Philadelphia cream donut, savoring its flavor.

Poor Minseok. He wouldn't even get to taste it.

Quietly, Chen snuck into Xiumin's room. The man slept like a log - no matter what, he was the hardest to wake up.
Smirking, he clutched the eye-liner he'd stolen from Baekhyun. "Sorry, hyung-ah," he murmured quietly as he began drawing. Quiet snores continued to escape Xiumin's lips, the older hardly fazed.

Smirking, Jongdae put the supplies back and made his way into the kitchen grasping Xiumin's favorite coffee mug. His hyung would be up soon; might as well get some coffee going, right?
At the very bottom of the cup, Chen smirked as he placed the toy mouse he knew would stay, due to it's density, and wouldn't melt, due to it being metal with fake fur plastered all over it.

Oh, the fun of messing with his hyung.

Chuckling, he set the coffee ready to start boiling, leaning against the counter. He left momentarily to grab the garbage from the bathroom, smirking as he threw his evidence away before he made his way back to the kitchen.

Moments later, Chanyeol walked into the room slowly, stopping when he noticed Chen. "What did you do this time, Jongdae?"
Chen feigned hurt, covering his heart. "Nothing! Why would you assume that?"
Chanyeol rose his eyebrow. "It's hardly seven in the morning, and you're up, with a shit-eating grin on your face. Spill the beans."
Chen laughed, shaking his head. "Xiumin hyung's gonna wish he never pulled so many pranks on me that day," he mumbled mischieviously, his smile widenening at the small ding the coffee pot made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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