Chapter 8

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Have you ever shot yourself in the head? Let me tell you, it's pretty weird. All you hear is a loud bang, then just cold, dead silence. The thought of having to kill either my sister or my girlfriend's absolutely killed me, so I did the absolute most stupid thing I could.

I killed myself.

Yet here I was, lying on my back, listening to the agonized cries of my sister and Ayumi. I sleepily opened my eyes, revealing Hinoe's concerned face above me. She held a charm over my face, but whipped it back into her pocket before I could get a closer look at it.

" Great, you're awake. Get up." She said, taking me by the arm and lifting me to my feet. My head swam, and I almost toppled back over. I acually did fall back down, but not before Ayumi and Miki came barreling into me like a couple of rhinos.

" You're alive! You're alive!" Ayumi sobbed, clutching my shoulders. Miki buried her head into my side and cried like a baby.

" I'm sorry, Miki. " I whispered to her. " I shouldn't have scared you like that."

" You idiot!" She cried. " Why would you do that? You're so stupid!"

She gave me a punch on the arm, but she still was smiling.

" How? HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!" Tokiko screamed, banging her small fists on the arms of the chair. She sent Yuki and Ryou towards us, both of them aiming to kill. Surprisingly, we fought them off easily. Ayumi sent Yuki crashing to the floor, and Miki grabbed Ryou by the hand and sent him flying.

" No! LET GO OF ME!"

Startled by Tokiko's sudden voice, I turned around in a hurry. She was writhing in her chair, her hands clutching a pair around her neck. Her assailant popped up from behind the chair, and with a jolt I recognized the long, black hair and iconic red dress.

It could only be Sachiko.

I would have thought her to be fighting alongside Tokiko, but for some reason she wasn't. She screamed, "GIVE IT BACK! GIVE IT BACK!" over and over.
Give what back?" I asked myself. Does she have her tongue?

Tokiko managed to fight Sachiko's hands off of her neck, and threw the girl to the ground. Sachiko stared at her furiously.

" Give me my body back!"

All of us stopped except Tokiko, who smiled at the other girl. "Why should I, Tokiko? This body is way more powerful. So is your mother's. I bet my Mommy loves it."

It took me a second to realize, but it all came together in my mind.
The doorway, the screams, her head being there, it all makes sense!

"You're Sachiko!" I blurted out. Tokiko - or should I say Sachiko - fixed me with a glare.

" So you finally found out?" She said. 

(By the way, when i say Sachiko i mean the one in tokiko's body and vice versa.)

From behind her, came Yoshie. Her clothes were ripped and she was bleeding along a cut on her face. Her eyes were filled with fear.

"Yoshie, please!"  She cried. Yoshie - the real one - simply shook her head. "Sorry, Noriko." 

Ayumi stumbled forward, and grabbed Tokiko by the shoulders. "Tokiko? Is that really you?" She said. Tokiko's green eyes stared back at her, tears brimming at the edges. "Please help me!" She whispered.

Meanwhile, Sachiko was trying to rouse Yuki and Ryou, who were lying motionless on the ground. " Get up! I command you to get up!"

Yoshie smiled, and reached for her angry daughter. " Come on, Sacchan. Why don't we give them their bodies back?"

Sachiko stopped, before a sly grin spread across her face. " Okay, Mommy!"

They sprung up into the air, and flew over us all until they were on the other edge of the gym. They had something in their hands, but I couldn't see what. Tokiko and Noriko went sprinting towards them in comeplete panic.

"You want your bodies back?" Yoshie asked, bringing the object up to her temple. Sachiko did the same thing, but to her chest.


When I could finally see what the objects were, it was too late. All four dropped to the ground with a scream, and red-hot whiteness spread over us all.

When it cleared and I could finally see again, Sachiko and Yoshie were gone. Two familiar forms lay crumpled at the end of the gym. Ryou let out a choked wail, and ran towards them. Yuki slipped up beside Ayumi, and took hold of her hand. Ayumi jerked it away.

" Onee-Chan, what's wrong?" Yuki asked.

" You! I remember what you said. You're not my little sister, you were faking!"

Yuki's eyes widened. "No! That's not true! It was the darkening, it was Sachiko!"

Ayumi was about to start off again, buy a silenced her with a touch of my hand. "Ayumi, she's telling the truth." I said softly. Ayumi looked at me, then back at Yuki standing behind her. She reached forward to hug her, when -

"Guys! Get over here now!" Hinoe screamed. We sprinted over to them, who were all crouched around a small body. Scissors stuck out of her chest. Ryou held her hand, sobbing. " No, Tokiko! Please don't die! You promised, you promised me a good life!"

Tokiko's eyes fluttered open. " I'm sorry." She whispered weakly. "I caused so much pain. I'm going to hell, and I know it."

"No!" Ayumi said. "You are not going to hell. You don't deserve it."

"But I killed all those people! I killed my best friend!"

Yuki shook her head, and fell to her knees in front of her. "Don't think of that! I've forgiven you!" She wailed. Tokiko smiled limply, blood dribbling down her mouth - her time was near.

Ryou grasped her hand with all his might. " Wherever you're going, I'm going too. I'm not leaving you, Tokiko. You're all I have left to love."

A grin lit up her face and she made a small squeaking sound, before she fell limp and her last breath seeped out between her lips. Ryou fell limp as well, his eyes closing peacefully. He got what he wanted. He's not alone anymore.

Yuki grabbed Ryou's body and hugged it tight. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Ayumi knelt by Yuki, stroking her shoulder. The smaller girl leaned into her.

Miki sat beside me, staring at the children's bodies. A small smile played on her lips. When I asked her about it, she looked up and grinned.

" They're in heaven. All three of them. I can feel it."

As she finished her words, I felt a little hand on my shoulder. But if I looked back, nobody was there.

"Look! The bodies!"

The three bodies of our friends began to wisp away like water on a hot pan. Little by little, they disappeared. Suddenly, I heard Satoshi's voice.

" There you guys are!"

All of our friends came running, not suspicious in the least. They didn't know that three less people were on the earth.

But we did.


Hai! Heartbreakness here!

I'm sorry for bad quality and choppyness of the chapter - I have bad days sometimes.

Just so you know, this is not the last chapter.

I'm kinda sad I killed off Tokiko, Ryou and Noriko. I hate killing characters.

I hope you liked the double plot - twist and Yuki's betrayal! She kinda was under Sachiko's influence so I'm gonna cut her some slack.

More chapters coming!


- Creepy_corpseparty

Worlds Collide: A sequel to Two Different Worlds: An Ayushiki FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now