The Boy Next Door

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Chase and I were working on the great room when she came down. We had all of the books and movies displayed on the built in bookshelves. It was an open floor plan so you could see the kitchen from where we were.

"Ya'll are doing great! I can't believe you have so much done! I'm going to order us some pizza because it's the easiest thing when we have absolutely no food. I guess I'll need to fix that issue later on and run to the store, thank God for GPS so that I can find one! I am going to work on the kitchen so that I have something to cook our dinner in. You both good in here?" she asked.

"Absolutely fab mom!" I replied.

"Yeah, and pizza is great! I could eat it every single day!" Chase added.

We were just about finished with the great room when the pizza guy arrived. Chase just placed the pizza and soda on the island when I heard a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it!" I was curious who could be knocking but figured pizza guy forgot to give us something. I opened the door and standing right in front of me was the cutest boy I had ever seen in my whole life. Cute probably isn't the right word. Stunning, breathtaking and mouth watering all come to mind. He had dark hair and blue eyes the color of the ocean. A gorgeous toned body and a sun kissed skin tone. I stood there like a fool, utterly speechless.

"Um...hey. I'm Liam and I live next door. My mom asked me to stop over and introduce myself" thank you Liam's mom.

Crap, what's my name?! "I'm Bailey, Bailey King" I said nervously. I was really glad I got a shower before he dropped in.

I looked over my shoulder and my mom was just walking up. "Liam, you're mother told me she had a son the same age. Come in! We were just about to dig into some pizza. Want some? You hungry?" she offered.

His face lit up. "Always hungry and pizza is my fave!" he said excitedly.

My mom smiled and said "Great! Well, come on then, make yourself at home. I'm Sarina" we all walked into the kitchen together. "This is my son Chase" he was already digging into the pizza. "Who obviously forgot his manners today" she chuckled and shook her head.

"Hey dude" Chase said through a mouth full of pizza and reaching out his hand.

"Liam Justice, next door neighbor extreme" he said shaking my brothers hand and doing the guy fist bump thing. "Which school ya gonna go to in the fall and what grade?" Liam asked curiously.

"Brighton Academy, junior year. You?" Chase raised his eyebrows.

"Same. What about you Bailey?" he looked at me.

"Same school, Sophomore" I said quietly.

"Wow! You guys are close huh? That's pretty awesome! I thought you were older. When is your birthday?" he looked back and forth between us both.

"Well, mine was Wednesday so June 22nd and Chase has his on August 20th" I informed.

"No way!" Liam shouted. Chase and I looked at each other then said "What?" at the same time.

"Well, first, happy birthday Bailey, second, August 20th is my birthday too!" he said with a grin. "Hey, I just realized we are all fifteen right now, too frickin cool!" he smiled and my heart skipped a beat. I am in big trouble with a capital T.

"I absolutely love being the same age" I chirped happily as my brother scowled in response. He secretly loved it too.

"I think this is going to be the beginning of an amazing friendship! Three musketeers!" he exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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