The Big Move

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I wrote over 50,000 words in the month of November and this is the novel that came from that challenge. Please take a moment to comment /vote and let me know what you think. I appreciate all of you and thank you so much for taking time to read my work.



I hate moving. Packing up your whole life just to have to unpack it days later. I am not leaving much behind in Atlanta. I had 'school friends' as I called them and everyone was always nice to me here. The thing is, it's not like we'll keep in touch, skype or text. They were easy friends to have because they liked talking about themselves so they didn't really ask questions about my life. The only thing in my life they showed an interest in was my brother Chase. They constantly wanted to be set up with him. My usual reply was he can't date until he's sixteen. Good thing we are leaving before that happens and I have to think up a new excuse. All of our things went ahead of us, except a few personal items. I wouldn't send my guitar on the moving van, no way. What if they broke it? Not taking that chance. It is my most prized possession. Well that and the piano, but I didnt think that would fit into the back of mom's Acadia. We are on our way to California, a place I have never been. I wasn't so attached to Atlanta that I am in tears leaving this city, but have to admit that it's a nice place to live. I don't know what to expect and hope people will be just as open and friendly in San Diego. I am worried they will make fun of my Southern accent. Chase seems to think it will be fine. He is definitely the more daring of the two of us. Chase is less than a year older than me and trust me, we have our moments of not getting along but when it comes down to it he is my rock.

We are both fifteen right now, they call us Irish twins because we are the same age during a part of the year. I like it because in a way, I am catching up to him. He doesn't because he loves rubbing it in the rest of the year that he is older than me.

The car ride out will be long, at 3 or 4 days but I won't complain. The longer it's just the three of us, the better. We have fun together and joke around. When dad is along it is a complete deafening silence. He left a week ago to begin his new job, well promotion really. He works for the same company, just a new city. Dad, I prefer to call him Jack, just not to his face, will be going away more on business trips which is a really good thing.

My mom, Sarina is the absolute best! I tell her everything and Chase does too. We know how lucky we are to have a mom like her. Our school friends didn't get along with their parent's and lied to them all of the time.

"Mom, are we stopping at a hotel?" I asked.

"We have to Bailey, I have been driving for 36 hours and neither of you have a permit to drive yet. I know he won't like us spending the money but I don't want to fall asleep on you. We can order pizza in the room, shower and sleep. If I don't stop again we can make up most of the time. He is expecting us at 9am Saturday morning. We can do it, driving straight through, it's just Thursday night now. I refuse to sleep in the car like he wants, I want a shower"

"I agree mom and I will drive tomorrow night when there is no traffic." Chase said.

"Yeah and I will sit up with him and keep him awake, alert. You can lay down back here. We can do our part mom, promise." I added

"Okay guys. Let's just check in and talk about breaking the law later" she laughed shaking her. head, while parking at the Comfort Inn. We ordered the pizza right when we got to the room. I was so hungry, well it was 8:30pm so I guess I know why.

We took turns getting a shower while waiting for our pizza to arrive. We made mom go first so that she would get the hottest water. "Chase, do you think anything will change?" I looked down at the beige carpet afraid I already knew the answer to my own question.

"I really don't think so Bail's. I know mom is hopeful but deep down she knows what we know; people don't change that drastically because of environment or circumstance. He is who he is. We just have to keep doing what we've been doing and look out for one another." he was right of course, I just wish this move didn't include Jack.

"You're right as always Chase. I am just tired of it all. I want friends and maybe even a boyfriend. I want freedom from him." I sighed.

"I want that for us too. Let's decide right now that we will at least have friends there. I mean you're great and all but I wouldn't mind a guy to hang with. We just have to figure out how to keep the friends away from Jack. Mom will help with that." he seemed a little excited at the idea.

"Okay, so we have a plan to make a plan" I laughed and Chase started torturing me by tickling me and I was screaming with laughter when mom came out and rescued me. She started tickling Chase and had him rolling on the floor, so I jumped in ganging up on him.

"Get your shower son, pizza will be here soon" mom sounded out of breath from laughing. I cherish these moments because I know the reality of our lives will make them rare.

No ones life is full of candy canes and roses but this small escape has made me want a normal teenage life even more. It's just a pipe dream, I know, but I try to keep what little hope I have inside of me alive.

We scarfed ourselves on pizza, then went to bed. I had my usual nightmares and Chase woke me up a few times to tell me we were okay. I'm used to not sleeping well, I never have. I tried to force myself to go back to sleep. We have a long day ahead and no bed for awhile. I thought about how lucky I am to have a brother like Chase always looking out for me as I finally drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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