chapter 10

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The next day, you woke up feeling strangely energized. You hopped out of bed and put on some warm clothes for the Hogsmeade visit.

You skipped your way down to the Great Hall. Unsurprisingly, your friends were nowhere to be found, but you didn't care. You were so excited to visit Hogsmeade as it was such a beautiful, quaint village; but you were also feeling a bit cramped up in Hogwarts too recently. It was difficult to differentiate if it was from the Slytherins all deciding that they want to hang around in the common room, instead of being productive, or just the constant feeling of being alone and your brain filled with thoughts, worries, and overthinking.

The whole journey to Hogsmeade, you tried to keep to yourself, exchanging words with Crabbe and Goyle every so often.

Amanda was off at another compartment with Blaise, but she sat near in case 'anything went wrong' and she 'needed rescuing.

Pansy on the other hand, you weren't one hundred percent sure where she was, but Draco was missing too, so it didn't take much of a genius to work out what they were doing.

Once the train arrived at the village, you hurried off, hoping not to bump into anyone.

"Hey, y/n, wait" You heard a voice shout from behind. You stopped and waited, not turning around to see who it was. "We thought you might want to stay with us."

The duo appeared from behind you. Goyle raised his eyebrows and smiled, in hopes that you would agree and walk with them.

"Yeah, since all your friends have ditched you and that," Crabbe laughed. Goyle hit his arm after noticing that you didn't find it quite as humorous and his single brain celled friend.

You spent the afternoon with the two of them, and to your surprise, it was quite pleasant. There were no more rude and offensive jokes, not towards you anyway. They had also been kind enough to pay for your butterbeer.

After your cheery afternoon with your new friends, you decided it would be a good idea to go and have a look at the many little shops. You grabbed your coats and bags, and headed for the exit.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet, I'll be back soon" Crabbe rushed to the bathroom. Goyle raised his eyebrows, and smirked at you.

The two of you both moved to a nearby corner to be out of the way for people passing by.

"So, y/n. I need to get this off my chest and I know someone will probably kill me for saying this but although D-" He was interrupted

"Goyle!" You both turn to see a pale, strangely happy looking boy. "Why do you practically have y/n pinned up against the wall?"

Goyle opened his mouth to speak, before being interrupted again. "Y/n, follow me, but don't make it obvious."

You did exactly what Draco said. He led you behind some houses and down a path leading to an area full of trees covered in snow. In the middle was a large tree trunk.

You sat down on the trunk, while Draco stood, towering above you. There was an awkward silence for a few moments.

"So, Why'd you bring me here?" You said.

"I need to talk to you." Draco whispered. "What would you say if I didn't completely... want you dead?"

The question was shocking in a kind of confusing way. But then again, this was a huge thing for Draco to say. From the short time that you've known him, he always swears that enemies are enemies and it's not possible to be civil.

"Are you going to answer then?" You had completely zoned out, leaving Draco hanging.

"Huh?" You for whatever reason didn't process anything that was happening.

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