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Hi guys!!!!! I'm on holiday now so I'll try and update as soon and as much as I can before I eventually die of burn out :)


ANYWAY I wrote this chapter while I was being annoyed to death by my dog so here the chapter!!!!!!!

Make sure you vote on the chapters and story over all if you are enjoying and that will let me know that you want to see more! Lets get on with the chapter!!


Scarlett PoV

I'm starting to regret letting Harry and Gil crash those bikes. Our crew and the Core Four having been walking on this magic bridge for what seems like hours and my feet feel like they are going to fall off soon.

I have the feeling that everyone feels the same even if some of them won't admit it (MAL!!). No one has started a conversation yet and it's starting to get really awkward and tense between our two groups.

That being said, I'm not gonna be the one who starts talking just because I, like Celia, are in the middle of this rivalry. I dont care what Mal or her gang says, Uma is a really nice and caring person (underneath all that toughness and sass) who will do whatever it takes to get the VKs of the Isle.

'Maybe if they put their differences aside they would realize how similar they are,' I thought while walking closer to Uma, squeezing her hand. I smiled at myself at that thought, it would take one us being in danger for those two to finally put their heads together and work out their problems.

As I was walking, I started getting very dizzy and light headed. I realized I was squeezing Uma's hand a little harder that I should have but before I could let go, I passed out.

Uma PoV- The Bridge Walk

Everyone was silent as we were walking. They were probably scared of Dragon Breathe and me having another fight (which I would have one if we did have another fight). 

I'm happy to be back either way; especially since I knew Scarlett would be holding up the Isle while waiting for me to return. I trust Harry but I think he would be too busy flirting with everybody to actually get the job done and Gil is....well, he's Gil. 

I was cut out of my thoughts as Scarlett's hand around me tightened to the point where it started to hurt. I turned to her but she started to sway and the next thing I knew, she fainted on me as I was trying to keep her steady.

"GUYS!, "I yelled, hoping to get everyone in the front of the group's attention. When they turned, Gil, Harry and Celia ran towards Scarlett to help her get up. Mal and her crew just stood there dumbfounded for a second before they actually started to make their way towards us to help.

Gil was visibly worried and so was Harry (even though he would never admit that) but Celia started freaking out. She went over and started shaking Scarlett to wake her up while yelling her name.

'Remind me to never do anything to Scarlett that would put me on Celia's bad side,' I though as Celia kept on calling Scarlett's name. Scarlett opened her eyes and blinked vigorously to keep herself from falling back asleep.

"Another flashback?," I ask when she finally looked around and noticed that we were all staring at her. She took a deep breath and stood up with my help while looking completely embarrassed from probably showing the Core Four her weak side.

She shook her head to get rid of any thoughts that might have taken over her and nodded, "Let's continue on, I'm fine now". Everybody, especially me, was very concerned and nervous about continuing the walk but Scarlett, being as stubborn as she is, started walking again. 

Everybdy was worried about how casual she was acting about it and as if it never happened. Scarlett then tranformed into her lion form for what I assume was because her two legs were trying to fall off just like mine.

"Hey Scarlett, is it okay if I could catch a ride on you. I don't know how long I can walk before my legs start to fall off," Celia piped up, probably regretting ever coming with Mal's group to get  Hades' ember.

Scarlett, while being annoyingly stubborn, was also very caring of the other kids on the Isle (even though she would never admit that). So it really only surprised Mal's squad when Scarlett allowed Celia to sit on her back and carry the girl the rest of the way.

I almost laughed when I turned to see Mal's suprised expression but couldn't help to not notice the nervousness coming from her. "Relax Dragon Breathe, Celia is probably in the safest place she could be when Scarlett's here," I smirked, whcih made Mal really angry to my amusement.

Mal PoV

 I absolutely HATE UMA!!!

"Relax Dragon Breathe, Celia is probably in the safest place she could be when Scarlett's here," Uma said, breaking me out of my protective state. I honestly never expected Scarlett to just be okay with just letting a kid ride on her back... especially when she just woke up from a blackout.

I started wondering about things such as how Scarlett and Ben knew each other because of how clear it was that Ben was obviously lying to us. Did they have a rough past that both of them don't want to talk about? No that can't be it, Scarlett cares about him too much. Did Scarlett have a friend that Ben used to talk with her through? No, the only person who could really do that is Persephone and I can't imagine a god being a good messenger, well except for Hermes of course. Were they a couple once and were forced to seperate? That....that might be it...I mean that might be the reason that Ben doesn't or has never told me about her. That seems like the Ben thing to do anyway by not telling me to make sure I'm not hurt or intimidated by her.

I came to that conclusion so I finally spoke up and broke the silence from our two groups, "Scarlett did and Ben ever date? Is that the reason he hasn't even told me about you?". 

After a couple minutes of silence, I turned around to see Scarlett with a speachless look on her face accompanied by a playful smirk. "Wow, you couldn't be further from the truth. No wonder Uma ditched you, you really have no idea do you?," The lion-girl said, surprising me and caused Uma to laugh with tears in her eyes.

I didn't know if I should have been surprised, confused or angry at that statement so I just tried to be the bigger person (As Evie always says) and asked a different question, "Well then, if you don't have a problem with it, how do you know Ben?".

Scarlett face seemed to look sullen for a second but then changed to another playful smirk to probably hide her true feelings (Like all the villain kids do). All I knew at that moment that that question was probably never going to be answered by the cat and I will probably have to get it out of Ben when we return to Auradon.

"I don't just know Ben, I know his parents, Chadwick Charming, Audrey Rose, Aron Mermaid, Melody Mermaid and King Simba," Scarlett snarked back, trying to see if she could get a reaction out of me. But before I could reply, we finished the walk on the bridge and were now in Auradon; making our way to Auradon Prep.

So thats the new chapter.......

Who was in Scarlett's dream? Why is Scarlett so caring of all the VKs? Will Mal ever get a straight answer from Scarlett instead of getting mad? All of these questions and more will be revealed soon.....I just realised I sounded exactly like a talk show host but ANYWAYS

Please vote on the chapter to show your support and comment down below you're thoughts on the story so far. I'm going to start asking questions bc I want to see your thougts so far! The question for this chapter is: If you could be the descedant of any character who would it be and why?

Until next time and see you lat-

Greenest Bat Dweeb Hybrid: You still sound like a talk show host!!!

Green_Hybrid: Shut it! I don't want to hear anything from you unless it's @batsydweeb amusement and "im so done with this"behaviour with the chapter >:P


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