Chapter 19 Part 2: Well... Crap

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Just a warning, this will not be as accurate as I will have liked it to be because I don't really have access to the movie right now but I do have access to a script online so dialogue will be correct but the actual actions might not be so don't complain.
Pepper let about a loud shriek when Stane swept his hand out at her. I fired a few rounds after Pepper ran off. The bullets did nothing but deflect off of the heavy steel, armor.

"Pepper! Get outside!" I shouted as the robot that consumed Stane ran after her. Only seconds after I had shouted at her Obadiah had gone after the other five agents. The agents were firing round after round but nothing was working. I knew that Stane would look for Pepper to get to Tony so I ran up to the parking lot where Pepper was standing on the phone.

"Tony! Tony, are you ok?" I heard Pepper yell over the commotion. "Obadiah, he's gone insane!" she yelled even more frantically. Tony must have said something to which she replied, "He's built a suit!"

"Pepper we need to leave. Now!" I told her getting a bad feeling. Suddenly the cracked asphalt was pushed up and the iron giant emerged from the dust.

"Where do you think you're going?" His robotic tinted voice asked menacingly. A mini gun maneuvered its way through the bulkiness of the suit and aimed itself at Pepper and I. "Your services are no longer required." The gun started to spin notifying it was going to start firing soon. I ran over to get in front of Pepper, who was frozen on the spot, but a special cocky billionaire beat me to it.

"Stane!" Tony's robotic voice pulled the much larger metal suit's head toward the floating genius. The two took of in a battle that I couldn't imagine getting in between, with them in suits and all.

"Pepper, I need you to get out of here." I commanded the distressed woman. "Look, I need to check on my people. I'll get to you right after, but seeing that you are walking your good enough to leave the facility go. Now!" She finally snapped out of her own little world and started leaving.

I ran into the complex to see sparking wires and debris all over the concrete building.

"Coulson!" No one answered so I continued to walk further. "Coulson!" I shouted again to hear a faint reply.

"We're going to need some backup." I turned the corner to see Coulson perfectly healthy, but trying to help two of the five other men across the room. I rushed over to grab McNab and behind him Adams and Suller were helping each other up and limping across the ruble filled room.

"I'll call James. He can bring one of the choppers." I pulled my small comm set out of a compartment in my boot and turned it on. "Hey, I'm going to need Agent James to come to Stark Industries. Tell him to bring a few medics in the copter." I took the device back out of my ear and back into my boot.

"Their on their way." I said. My expression still holds the stone hard one I always wear. I lower myself and McNab to a sitting position, waiting until the chopper came.

"Why are you here?" McNab asked from beside me. I simply brought my eyebrows together in confusion and tilted my head slightly. "I-I mean... you're too young to be in the business. Your not even sixteen. I started out when I was twenty-two."

"Well McNab... sometimes life hands you grenades and to the entire world they look like lemons and they expect you to make lemonade. So after a little while the grenades went off and I'm here now." I said with little emotion. I could tell Coulson was surprised at the other end of the fallen in building. I suddenly felt the ground shake a bit and stood up out of instinct.

"Coulson... stay with the men..." I trailed off. Dust was falling slightly from all around as I walked back up the seemingly untouched upper level of the building. Well it all looked unharmed beside the glass all over the floor.

I walked a bit till I turned around, and boy was I surprised. My trained eyes instantly met with the two super suits on top of the building I just came from.

"Well... Crap." I thought through about fifty scenarios in my head and all ended with the building in ruins. I dashed back into the facility. "Coulson! We need to get out of here, NOW!" I quickly grabbed McNab and practically dragged him out of the back door I spotted.

I laid him down and ran back in to pass by Coulson and Adams leaving the building. I sprinted to get Suller out of the building as quick as I could.

As soon as we stepped out of the building a bright blue light shone right out of the building to the sky.

Ik that I promised a sooner update and I failed that. I explained why and forgot to put in that I have a few school projects going on along with sports and the fact that I'm getting a black belt I've worked for for mor than 5 years. So with that said. Here is the CRAPPIEST chapter ever. Sorry I suck :/


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