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We waited for another 30 minutes until the lights dimmed and the screaming fans nearly make me deaf.

"What's up Cali?!" I hear an Australian accent boom into the microphone. My eyes glance at the stage but I stay on my phone. I was about to plug in my ear buds until I heard a familiar accent ring through the speakers.

"I hope you enjoy this show! I've worked my ass off for this moment."

On to chapter 7


I look up at the stage and see 3 guys dancing around. They could have been easily mistaken as a giant because they were huge. They were at least 1 foot taller than me. The other member of their band was sitting on a stool in front of a drum set.

I know that Asian looking guy anywhere. I know that multicolored hair anywhere. I know that guy with long legs from anywhere. And I especially know that voice.

"Oh god." I whisper and looked at the four idiots on stage. I pull my hood on and grabbed some shades from Jack.

I can't believe that idiot would actually come through.

"Hey, what's wrong babe?" Jack asked me and looked at my hoodie and his glasses covering my face.

"Um. I ,er, I don't feel well." I lied. Jack furrowed his eyebrows.

"You were fine when we left." Jack said confusingly. I coughed and looked at him with a baby face.

"I think the dust is giving me allergies. I need to go to the restroom." I lied and ran away from the roaring crowd. I pushed pass everybody and got to the clearing.

I ran towards the restroom and pushed everyone out of my way. I slammed the bathroom door open and immediately found an open stall. I leaned over the toilet and puked my guts out. I wiped my mouth and quickly flushed the toilet. I walked slowly towards the sink and washed my hand and mouth.

I looked into the mirror and stared at my reflection. I sighed and gripped the sides of the sink.

"It's just for a few hours." I muttered and slowly shuffled out of the bathroom. When I got out there were fans surrounding the exit.

Bodyguards were pushing the fans fiercely, causing some to fall down. Other crazy fans took the chance and stepped over the ones who were fallen over. My jaw dropped from the abuse these men were doing to these girls.

I took out my phone and video taped most of the violence because I'm a nosy bitch. I stopped video taping when a body guard saw me and walked over to me.

"Where the hell did you come from?" The man asked me and grabbed my arms roughly. I rolled my eyes and thrashed around.

"I was in the bathroom, asshole. What are you going to do? Sue me for going to the bathroom then coming out just to be grabbed by a cop. If anything, you're getting sued for laying a hand on me." I sassed and the cop scoffed.

"Sure you did sweetie. You're just as crazy as all the other girls." The cop insulted and placed hand cuffs on my wrists.

"Aye let the girl go. If she was a fan then she would have raped us by now." I heard an Australian accent behind me. The man grumbled and unlocked the cuffs. I turned around and rubbed my wrists and arms. Both had bruises on them.

"Damn if I knew I was about to get assaulted, I would have stayed with Jack." I mumbled and took my phone from my pocket. Someone coughed and I looked up. My eyes widened as I cursed to myself.

I spent at least five minutes in the bathroom and the one and only Aussies ended up coming with me. I looked at the boys separately and decided that puberty has definitely has taken a toll on them.

Ashton and I made eye contact and I waited for him to say something. He didn't say anything as we stared at each other. The crazy fangirls were silent as they watched us through the phone cameras they were filming through.

"Kennedy?" Ashton looked at me confusingly. I looked away and started biting my nails. This was surely awkward.

"KENNEDY." Someone shouted my name. i looked over to who was calling me and my eyes land on Jack. He pushed through the girls and ran towards me and hugged me. I looked over his shoulder at Ashton and find him glaring at the back of Jack's head.

"Keds, can I speak to you for a second?" Ashton asked through gritted teeth. Jack turned around and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"And you are?" Jack asked Ashton. Jack rests his chin on my shoulder and smirks at Ashton. Ashton glared at Jack and his arm around me.

"I'm her bestfriend." Ashton spat and grabbed me. He pulled me into the boys bathroom and locked the door.

"What the fuck. Ashton let me out." I yelled and ran towards the door. Ashton grabbed my arm and blocked the door with his body.

"No. We need to talk." Ashton said calmly. I sighed and slid down the wall.

"Fine. Talk." I snapped and crossed my arms. Ashton sat down next to me and placed his large hand on my thigh. I stared at his hand but left it there. My thigh felt like it was on fire. His fingers were long enough to wrap around my thigh.

"I did it." Ashton whispered and stared at the other side of the bathroom. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Did what?" I questioned. Ashton looked at me and smiled.

"I'm big now. I'm famous. Like I promised." Ashton smiled widely. I giggled and nodded my head. Ashton then turned serious.

"But now you need to do your part of the deal." Ashton said monotone. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Ashton questionably.

"I did. I went to your concert. That was the deal." I told him and stood up. Ashton stood up as well and stood in front of me.

"I want you to break up with that Jeremy guy." Ashton said seriously.

"His name is Jack and we've been dating for almost two years." I reasoned.

"I don't care. Break up with him."


"He's a total loser." Ashton said. I rolled my eyes. Someone started banging on the door.

"Ashton? Break time is over. We need to get back on stage." I heard someone say. Ashton unlocked the door and stepping outside before turning to me.

"Remember what I said." Ashton says before leaving me in the boys bathroom.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter.

Its been a while...

Ok, bye my lovelies!

-Danielle Xxx

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