Kim-Manoban Family

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"You ain't got nothing on me, kid. Come on, guard me." Lisa dribbles the ball between her legs, a skill she acquired from a young age and is able to retain till the age of 32.

The 7 year old Lucas stares at Lisa intently, determined to not let his 5'9 mother score again. "I'm not letting you score again."

"Yeah?" Lisa runs to the left and when her son follows her, she pulls the ball back and dribbles on the right side and does another lay up. "There goes another point for me."

Lucas retrieves the ball like a champ. "One more." He's about to check it to his mother but she waves her hand.

"No more. I'm tired."


Lisa sits on the ground, wiping the sweat from her forehead away. "We've been playing for almost two hours."

Lucas puts the ball in front of his mother and sits on it. "And we're not stopping until I win."

Lisa laughs at her son's determination. She ruffles his sweaty brunette locks, a feature he got from Jennie. "We can play again later, kiddo. For now, let's have have lunch. Your mommy should be done cooking by now."

Lucas stands up easily but Lisa puts her hand out for him to help her. She doesn't need his help standing up, not yet at least, but she likes playing with the oblivious boy.

Lucas tries pulling his mother up with all his might but Lisa's countering it with her weight. "Come on, mom!" He's struggling with helping his mom but instead of getting her up, he's being pulled down slowly.

With precision, Lisa lets go of his son's hand, causing him to stumble forward with the excess momentum but she catches him before falling flat on his face. "Careful there, kiddo." She says like she didn't plan it all along. "Come on, I'm starving." And with that, Lisa stands up and slings her arms on her son. "Did you know that your mommy would always watch my games back in high school? She even lost her voice for three days once because she screamed so loud, cheering for me."

"Really?" Lucas looks up at his mom with a furrowed brows. He didn't really peg his mommy as someone to scream to cheer on someone given her very poise and composed mannerism he's used to.

"Feeding our son lies again, are we, Lisa?" Jennie announces her presence. She's standing on the deck where the sliding door is that leads to the kitchen. Her hands are on her waist and she's dressed in her casual attire, a fitting nude dress.

"Babe, you know it's true." Lisa sends Jennie a wink. Somethings really doesn't change because even after 15 years of being together, Jennie still blushes at the action.

Jennie just shakes her head and takes Lucas from Lisa.

"Mommy, what are we having for lunch?"

"Something very delicious."

Lisa hears her wife and son say ahead of her. She goes to their room first to change out of her sweaty attire. Knowing her wife, Jennie wouldn't like it if she sits down on their dining table all sweaty and looking disheveled. Lucas is still an exemption.

Lisa just puts on a grey track pants and a plain blackshirt. She also tidies her short black hair to Jennie's liking.

"Oh boy, am I hungry. That smells so good, babe." Jennie hears Lisa's booming voice descending the stairs. Lucas giggles at his mom's loud voice.

"Please, wash your hands first." Jennie reminds just as about Lisa's about to grab a piece of tacos.

"Yup, yup. On it."

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