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"When is our flight??" Jeongguk asked Taehyung who was walking beside him


"So......what are we gonna do now??"

"I have to throw this phone away"

"Then do it"

"I have an idea"

Taehyung walked forward grabbing Jeongguk's hand who was carrying Taehyung's shopping bags since the boy refused to put them in his bags

"What are you doing kim??"


Taehyung took out his phone and walked forward, he noticed a boy walking infront of them

He took out his phone and quickly walked towards him. He tapped the boy on his shoulders, and he immediately turned around

"I just wanted to give you the phone you dropped" Taehyung said giving his phone to the boy

The boy was confused for a second but he just broke out into a smile

"Oh sorry, I tend to be very careless, thanks for the help"

What the fuck?!!

Taehyung could hear Jeongguk snickering behind him

"What the fuck dude?!! I was just playing with you, this is my phone"

"Oh" The boy looked down embarrassed "who would let go of an opportunity to get an iPhone for free??" He awkwardly chuckled, which earned a laugh from Taehyung

"I like you" just as he said, Jeongguk's eyes snapped towards them, but he didn't say anything

"I have something to give you" Taehyung said taking out his watch

"I don't like it, so you can keep it"  Taehyung said handing him the watch



"Thank you so much!!"

Taehyung just winked at him. "Let's go kook"

Both of them started walking towards the area where all the cabs were parked

"I can't believe you gave him your watch!!"

"I felt bad for pranking him"

"Throw your phone away"


Taehyung took out his phone and threw it into the large crowd of people, it clashed onto a person's head

"Oh shit!!"

Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk's hand and walked ahead

"What the fuck Taehyung?!! You threw a phone at someone's head"

"It's not your head!! So stop being so dramatic!!"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "I think we should get going"

Taehyung nodded and walked over to an empty cab, asked the driver to drop them at airport

"Why can't you just put this in your bag??" Jeongguk asked showing him the shopping bags

"My bag is full"

"What the fuck is in your bag anyways??"

"None of your business so shut up"

"Show me your bag"


Jeongguk grabbed the strap of Taehyung's bag and pulled it, Taehyung glared at him and pulled it back

"Give me your bag kim!!"

"Get your hands on off my bag!!"

"Just show me what's inside!!"

The cab driver was seeing all this, shook his head in amusement



Taehyung got an idea, he shoved his hands down to the bottom of the bag, trying to pull it towards him. The cab was jerking a bit due to the duo playing tug of war inside the cab

"What the fuck?!! That's not the bag!! It's my DICK!! LET GO OF MY DICK!!"

"Eww ewww eww!!!" Taehyung flung backwards rubbing his hands on his pants , but stopped when he heard Jeongguk laughing

"Gotcha" Jeongguk winked at him but Taehyung gave him a deadly glare

"Don't you dare open it" Taehyung warned

"What's the fun in that??"

"Jeongguk don't" Jeongguk poked his tongue out at Taehyung

Jeongguk started opening one or the zips slowly, but stopped when he heard Taehyung opening the window

"What are you doing kim??"

"You know just rolling the window down, to throw myself out"

"Chill dude" Jeongguk said, as he completely opened the zip of the

Taehyung looked out of the window, not even sparing a glance at Jeongguk


"Don't say it,don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it——-

"What the fuck Taehyung?!!"

"That's it I'm jumping out of this car, hope you have a good flight jeongguk"

Taehyung stood attempting to jump out of the car playfully but stopped when he heard the driver yelling

"Get your ass back in the car or else I will dump you off at the bridge!!"

Taehyung immediately scrambled back into his car, and hid his face in his hands

"So now tell me kim, why the fuck do you have a zip full of boxers?!!!"

"Oh god, this is so embarrassing" Taehyung groaned

"Out of all the things you could've taken, you shoved all your boxers into one zip!! Are you gonna eat boxers?!!"

Jeongguk was dumbfounded. He never thought he would ever find a zip full of boxers

"I don't know what I was thinking okay?? I was in a hurry, and I like using fresh boxers"

"You could wash and use them!!" Jeongguk was trying so hard not to broke into fits of laughters, Jeongguk could hear the driver laughing infront of the car

"I know, but that was the only thing that came to my mind, but there are other things in than that as well"

Jeongguk started laughing and Taehyung groaned in embarrassment.

"What were you gonna use them and throw away?!! Imagine people finding boxers on the side of the roads" Jeongguk started laughing like a maniac

"How long will it take to reach the airport?!!" Taehyung yelled

"Just a couple more minutes boxer boy"

Taehyung fake cried as he hid his face in his hands

"We could start a boxer company in Korea, KIM's BOXERS"

"Pls shut up Jeongguk"

"Nope!! You better find a way to keep them all to yourself, I don't wanna wake up with a boxer on my face"

"You're never gonna let me live this done are you??"

"Never, boxer boy" Jeongguk said ruffling Taehyung's hair

"What did I do to deserve this??"


Thanks for reading😘♥️ Pls vote and comment if you liked it

Also tell me if it's getting boring, so that I can improve


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