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Just wanted to make this clear
The thoughts will be in italics, in case if you guys are confused


"Do you really think I wouldn't know the name of my future husband?"

Jeongguk retreated his hands back as he glared at the male infront of him.

"Pardon me for being kind your highness"Jeongguk said sarcastically

"PArDoN mE foR bEing KiND yOuR hIgHnESS" Taehyung mocked Jeongguk

"Fuck off kim"

"Fuck yoursel—

"That's enough boys" Mr.jeon yelled irritated

Taehyung scoffed as he saw Jeongguk walking over to the dining table

Jeongguk was very handsome.

buff body, sharp features, his voice , everything . taehyung couldn't find a flaw in the male infront of him.

definitely his type, but was he gonna admit it ?


Taehyung went towards the table as he sat directly opposite Jeongguk cause his father forced him to

Jeongguk glared at him and Taehyung poked his tongue out at Jeongguk in return. Jeongguk shook his head to side, not wanting to look at the boy infront of him

"So what do you think of each other?" Sunmi asked hoping to break the ice

"i fucking hate him" Both of them yelled at the same time

sunmi sighed.

this is gonna be hard

Soon the food was being served. In the case of Taehyung, he came here for food. And food only

He tapped his plate impatiently with his fork, waiting for food to be served on his plate

"Hey Kim, pls don't eat our plates"

"Oh please, why would eat this disgusting piece of shit from your house huh??"

"So you're not gonna eat our food as well??"

"I never said that"

"Well you just said that you wouldn't eat anything from jeon's right??"

"Shut the fuck up jeon" Taehyung's hands were itching to do something

"Oh is Taehyungie afraid to lose an argument with me, oh don't wor—

Jeongguk rambling halted as Taehyung spitted the wine onto Jeongguk.

"kim Taehyung ! " Mr.kim yelled, which his son completely ignored

"why the fuck did you spit on me ?!"

"you were annoying"

"I m gonna fucking kill you" Jeongguk stood up as he took his own wine glass

"Don't you dare Jeongguk" mr.jeon warned his son

"But dad he spi—

"Sit down there Jeongguk"


"I said sit down!" Jeongguk immediately sat down looking at his lap

"I m so sorry for the behaviour of my son Joshua" mr. Kim apologised to Jeongguk's father immediately

"Don't worry it's okay, they're kids after all"

Mr.kim glared at his son, to which Taehyung turned his head the other way

"I m gonna go and change dad"

"No Jeongguk it's fine, not much wine got onto your suit"

Jeongguk nodded as he sat back down in his chair, his mind was itching to do something to the boy sitting infront of him. Who was eating the food so happily.

Soon an idea popped into his mind.

Jeongguk took his spoon and scooped some sauce onto it. He subtly looked around to know if anyone was watching, to his his luck, everyone had their eyes on the plate

Jeongguk brought the spoon closer and slightly pushed it back with his other hand aiming at Taehyung.

Just when he thought he got the perfect s aim, he let go of the spoon and the ruby red coloured sauce splashed all over Taehyung


This brought the attention of all others at the table towards him. He was covered in red coloured sauce and somewhere dripping from his chin

"fucking bitch" Taehyung immediately looked down to take something to throw at Jeongguk

"Taehyung no—

Before mr.kim could yell at his son, taehyung had already dumped his plate of food on jeongguk"

With that Taehyung started running to god knows where.

Jeongguk abruptly stood up chasing after the boy who threw the entire plate of food at him"

"Come back here Jeongguk" Mr.jeon yelled but Jeongguk kept on running

Jeongguk ran around looking for Taehyung, but the by was nowhere to be found

He decided to check the garden and there he was standing, his back facing Jeongguk, trying to catch his breath

"I m gonna make you pay for this Kim"

Jeongguk slowly sneaked behind Taehyung, he grinned to himself when he noticed that the other hasn't even sensed his presence yet

Without wasting a second, Jeongguk tackles the other from behind, immediately lifting him off the ground

"oh I could just throw you in the fountain" Jeongguk snickered almost crushing Taehyung in the process

"Let me go you asshole"

"Fuck off kim, I m gonna throw you in he fountain"

"What?! No, I don't know how to swim"


Jeongguk was carrying Taehyung in a bone crushing back hug

"don't throw him in the fountain!" Sunmi yelled as the rest of them ran towards them

it isn't even that deep

"Put him down Jeongguk!" Jeongguk's father yelled

Jeongguk groaned as soon as he heard his father's sound. He hesitantly put Taehyung down

But just as soon as Taehyung's leg hit the floor, he turned around and kicked Jeongguk right in his balls

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