Stolen Kiss
I dreamed about it last night
That kiss was spectacular
I have never been happier
I went in and when my lips hit his lips
It was like fireworks going off
It was like my heart rate would never drop
It was like everything was finally just right
And you know what,
He smiled.
He smiled at me and then tears streamed down his face and he said
"That is a good memory sadness will never erase"
And I don't know what I will do
But I think I will ask him out
By giving him this book
Then he will know that this book is about him
And that untill the sun grows dim
And probably farther than then
I will love him.
I was waiting for that for a while
A kiss that really made me smile
And it was from him
But does it mean anything?
Does he really care?
Or is he just playing with my feelings.
That bright blue eyed boy has my heart in his hands
I wonder if he will drop it or hold it untill the end of time