Ch 32

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Team p.o.v.

We all were at the cafe. It's been a while that we are smiling so much.

Kit telling us stories of his childhood. Even Beam and Wayo were telling us stories of their childhood.

They were wonderful. It was like we are seeing our brothers.

Even if don't have.

It was so peaceful and happy moment in my life that we forgot that we need to go home.

Sometimes I don't understand the definition of home.

I feel that people's warmth make the house. That place where you are free to live your life. We don't have the place but this three we feel like we at home.

But we need to go that hell.

"Don't you think you must write a book about serving in hell?"  Said Prem.

'I don't think because I am in hell yet.'

" Then make it out of that suffering"

After a long time, Prem is a conversation with me.

It was a great experience after a long time that he was talking to me about silly things.

"Guys we need to go home." Said Pharm.

After a long time chatting we eventually got home.

"It was fun, right." said In with a smile
on his face.

When went inside the house, the lights were off.

It was very dark.

I don't know what happened. But my body started to burn like hell.

I could feel the same thing was happening with In and Team.

Our scents stood very strong that offers.

Out of nowhere, I felt a pair of arms on my waist.

It was our mate.


Normal p.o.v.

They were with there mates.

Dean, Korn and Win took their mates in their room.

🔞 Sumt

Dean took Pharm to his room.

As he started kissing his mate softly.

Pharm was shocked that his mate was so soft with him.

Then Pharm saw that Ohm was in control.

"Pharm, please let Fluke come out." Said Ohm.

He simply smiled at him.

He let Fluke out.

Their eyes turned into silvery blueish and dark blue.

" love." Said Ohm.

"Ohm...I miss you." Said Fluke.

They took each other in a hug.

"Fluke, please let me have you. I want to love you. I know what my human did is unforgettable. But I..." Fluke cut him by putting his index finger on his lips.

"Shhhh...I know that it was your human, not you. Love me, Ohm. It hurt us when we saw you with that her." Said Fluke.

They started kissing each other.

Kisses were slow and sweet. They both were enjoying each other's company.

Ohm started kissing Fluke's body gives him hickeys.

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