Low to High High to low / Beep ,Bing , and Bang meets Xia

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(Play theme)

(With Bing Bang and Beep) (Beep is helping Bang walk)

Bang: (breathing heavily)

Beep:are you okay?

Bang: (nods a yes)

Bing: oh man I hope this isn't too far...

Bang: me too man....

Beep: is anyone tired? We can rest here....

Bang: sure....

Bing: okay let's rest for a while

(They all rest at the side)

Bang: Woah! Rachel wasn't joking! It's like my energy is going low to high and then high to low.... I can feel it man!!

Beep: (gasps) Bang! I just remembered!! You should eat something that is healthy!!! I'll go get something that is healthy, Bing and Bang stay here...

Bing: no I'll go! You stay with Bang..

Beep: o-okay... be careful....

Bing: (dashes away)

Bang: (weakly) I'm kinda thirsty....

Beep: oh! Here have some!!

(Beep gives Bang her water jug then he drinks it)

Bang: t-thanks....

Beep: are you gonna be alright?

Bang: yeah... hey Beep..

Beep: yes Bang?

Bang: Beep the truth is.... I'm scared of dying...I don't want to lose you and our friends....nor my family, they're everything to me... even you. If you lose a recruit.. that Answer team should have a cancellation.

Beep: (she feels scared) you're not the only one who experienced that I've also experienced that to, when I was 6.... me and Kylie and we're having a field trip... but then some random car almost crashed our bus.. I got hit by the nose... and I was unconscious... the school brought me to the hospital and and my parents worried even my sis... she survived but her ankle sprained... the doctor said I have to stay there for 2 weeks...but when I was unconscious... It felt like I was gonna die... but I fought back...I fought back all my fear of dying... then I stood alive!

Bang: woah!! Thats awesome!(Coughing) is it just me or am I cold?

Beep: you're cold... here wear my jacket

Bang: (shivering) no no no I insist

Beep: do you want to live or not?

Bang: (hesitating) okay...

(Beep wraps Bang with her jacket)

Bang: thanks

Beep:no problem..

Bing: hey guys!! I found some healthy food!! Well is Bang allergic to apples? I mean the Granny Smiths ones

Beep: no he's allergic to peaches....

Bing: good! Here Bang! Before your energy runs low!

Bang: (eats it) thanks...

Bing: no problem...

Beep: should we get going?

Bang: yeah

Beep: Bing is your legs tired?

Bing: not really...

Beep: okay let's go..

(5 minutes later)

Bang: (panting) it's okay I can still do this...

(15 minutes later)

Bing: ouch, my legs...

Bang: Here I'll carry ya..

(Several minutes later)

(Beep Bang and Bing Panting )

Beep: (sighs)

Bang: oh man...

Bing: we need to rest for awhile again...

Beep: good call...

(Beep sees someone flying)

Beep: uhh guys... what's the noise?

(The shadow of the person flying was Xia! In a new form)

(The shadow of the person flying was Xia! In a new form)

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Beep: Xia?!

Xia: Beep!

(Flies down)

Beep: what are you doing here?

Xia: I got transported to this world... 

Beep: same

Xia:hey what happened to Bang?

Bing: he has this flu called the Soma flu

Xia: oh my! But like what are you guys doing here?

Bang: (weakly) some dudes kidnapped us then brought us here... and just here at this side resting....

Beep: and we're trying to find our way home...

Xia: same for me...

Bing: hey why don't we work together?

Bang: great idea man.. (coughs)

Xia: bless you...

Beep so wanna come with us?

Bing: we could be a great team!

Bang: and need a protecter!

Xia: alright! I'm coming!

The three: Ye hey!


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