new customer

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i set the last unopened box of records on the front counter of my shop. someone just sold us a shit ton of new and used records and i was ecstatic. whoever this person was had great taste. sabbath, maiden, metallica, and gnr of course. pulling a personal favorite out of the box i took it to the turntable and dropped the needle right on the edge of the vinyl. the sweet riffs of the legendary angus young filled the store and i got straight to work.

there i stood in the metal section, stocking up our sabbath slot when a jingle rang from the bells i hung on the door a few months back, letting me know when someone came in.

i didn't turn around figuring it was one of my employees, either rob or rob. that's right we have two robs. one is a robyn, she's real bad ass. the other rob is just a heartbroken music snob, but aren't we all. i heard the heavy footsteps of boots coming from the front of the shop and it definitely didn't sound like my robs.

"is this place open?" i turned my head at the unfamiliar masculine voice, still holding a black sabbath lp in my hands.

"uhm yeah, yes it is. just opened about half an hour ago actually." holy shit. this was one of the most attractive men i have ever seen in my life. this guy had long wavy hair that framed his tan bearded face. his tall figure covered with a vintage metallica muscle tee, some worn out jeans and scruffed up boots.

"hey! is that a sabbath album?" the man of my dreams made his way over to me and i suddenly got super nervous and sweaty. great, hope i won't pass out from his beauty. our eyes met for a millisecond before he reached his hands out to mine to take a hold of the album. ours fingers grazed over each other and as cheesy as it sounds, it really did send sparks through my body. i studied his face as he scanned the record. i started to notice little details like how he has a scar on his left brow, and the three small moles right below that same eye. suddenly his eyes came up to meet mine again. oh no, he caught me starring. dammit i creeped him out didnt i.

"i'm jason by the way. your store is really cool!" he held his hand out for me to shake and i immediately took it in mine. his fingers were rough and calloused, he must be a musician. please tell me he's a musician, that would make him ten times hotter.

"awe thank you! i'm y/n, the owner of this shop." jason's grip on my noticeably smaller hand slightly tightened as he flashed me a killer smile.

"your name suits you, it's very pretty" i felt my cheeks heat up and i look away from embarrassment. jason softly chuckled and placed a single finger under my chin to guide my face back to him.

"are you flirting cause you want a discount? all you had i do was ask you know." we both laughed and for some reason it felt like we've known each other for ages, even though it had only been maybe ten minutes. unfortunately he lets go of my hand and shifts his weight to one foot, making him shorter by just a little bit.

"maybe i am. maybe i'm flirting cause i've never met a woman like you before and i want to get to know you better" i cringe at his choice of words

"ah the good old not like other girls huh?" his eyes got wide and he shook his head no trying to recover.

"no! no that's not what i meant!" i giggled and leaned against the table covered in old record crates. his features softened once he realized i was just messing with him.

"i guess flirting does get you a discount and a date" i smiled at him and took him to the cash register, watching as he dug through the unorganized box on the counter. my head turned to the sound the the door bells and saw one of the robs burst through the door.

"you will not BELIEVE what happened today, y/n!" rob stopped in his tracks and started at jason, then at me and raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"new customer? doesn't matter. she dumped me. can you believe it? me? she dumped ME?" rob paced around the storefront while jason and i locked eyes and shrugged his outburst off.

"just ignore him, he gets dumped on the regular. he's probably gonna go rank it in some depressing list of heartbreaks like he always does" rob turned to glare at me

"i'm right here you know" jason and i laughed at rob's grumpiness and quickly turned our attention back to one another.

"hey uh after you're done ringing me up can i um, get your number? please? maybe?" i giggle and scan the three albums he picked and nodded my head. i grabbed my iphone and recited my digits to him, making sure he got it all correct.

"thank you for your business, jason. i hope you come in again soon." i set my elbows on the waist high countertop and leaned forward to stare into his beautiful eyes. he smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, both of us now oblivious to rob causing a scene in the back of the store.

"mahalo, y/n. i cant wait to come back." jason grabbed his albums and walked backwards out of the store, never breaking eye contact with me. sadly our moment was ruined when the other rob hurried through the door, running straight into jason's back.

"jesus watch where you're going shithead!" once robyn met jason's glare she backed away as fast as she could, throwing her hands in the air to show her innocence. jason and i smiled once more at each other as he exited the store.

"who was that guy? he looked so familiar" robyn set her pack of smokes on the counter and wandered off to the back room. leaving me to daydream about sir jason.

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