The King of Nightmares

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Jack's POV

Why did me and Elsa have to blush?

"Everyone to the sled"North boomed.

"Uh mate I think Elsa wants to go on the tunnels" Bunny exclaimed smirking.

"I love the tunnels"Elsa exclaimed happily.

Bunny crossed his arms and smiled but North looked at her like he wanted to hit her.

"But I love the sleigh more" Elsa said nervously.

Bunny almost fell out of balance and he looked shocked he looked at her but she looked away.

"Get in"North told her harshly.

She looked like she wanted to cry but ran to the sleigh anyway.

"We aren't riding and old.. sleigh" Her friends said they most be really shocked.

We all went inside.Except for Hiccup he was riding Toothless.

"Buckle up"North said happily.

"Where the buddy sit belts"Bunny exclaimed terrified.

"That was expression only Elsa has one"North said with his Russian accent.

Everyone looked at her but instead of having it on she yanked it out.

She looked pretty mad and just sat down.

Everyone looked pretty excited except Bunny and Elsa.

We all where hurrying up.

North started the sleigh he then threw one of his portals and we entered.

Once we where out there was nightmares galloping every where trying to get the Tooth fairies.

Elsa started standing up.

"Sit down" North said angrily while taking his swords out.

Elsa just rolled her eyes.

"Rudolph loopty loop"She said.

Rudolph did what he was told but when we where upside down Elsa let go of herself.

We where all shocked.

When we looked she killed at least Twenty when she let go of herself.

She landed right inside of the sleigh.

North shoved the reins to her hands.

She drove better then North.

Everyone took their weapons out and started killing nightmares.

Toothless kept on doing plasmas to kill nightmares.

We landed a bit harshly in the ground.

We all stood up quickly, Elsa and her friends faster then us,they again did their circle thingy protecting Elsa.

We then saw Tooth flying fastly.

She didn't look really worry like last time but you can still tell that she was worried.

"What happen?" We asked her.

"They took some of my fairies"She said almost crying.

"Well well if it isn't the guardians, I see we have new faces wait they aren't so new" He said cackling.

Elsa's friends where a bit confused except Elsa.

Wait Elsa knows him how and where?

"Give me my Tooth fairies Pitch" Tooth said angrily.

She flew to him but he disappeared into the shadows.

"What do we have here? The girl who is afraid of never having her freedom" Pitch said appearing in front of them.We turned to faced them since we had our backs on them and they all looked shocked.

"Oh and the girl that was kept hidden from her parents, we also have the boy that is scared that he wouldn't be accepted as he is and we have the boy that thought he wouldn't be believed in just like you Jack." They all looked more shocked.

We where also shocked.

They circled in Elsa closer and she was trying to see but she couldn't she looked really cute like that.

I seriously have to stop thinking like that.

"And you know who suffered all your fears,she is my favorite one.... It is Elsa" He said almost cackling.

They glanced at her but she just put her head down.

We where all shocked.

Pitch then made a black sand hand and made it fly to attack one of them they move out of the way but Elsa didn't notice so she was trapped. Everyone looked shocked.

"Elsa"North and Hiccup yelled.

I feel the jealousy creeping on me.

She started wriggling her feet and then she started coughing her eyes where slowly closing.

"You know this reminds me of what happen a few years ago don't you think North"

North looked angrily and Hiccup looked confused.

"Ignore him..fa.." Elsa said and started coughing she was turning paler as Pitch was making the black hand squeeze her.

"Let her go" North and Hiccup said again.

And again I felt jealous.

"Fine"Pitch said and started smirking evilly.

He threw her in the edge making her hit her stomach,we all tried moving but it was like we where stuck to the ground and Pitch appeared next to her.

"Elsa do they know"Pitch said bending down and whispering loud enough for all of us to hear.

She moved her hand signaling as a so so.

Everyone looked confused, Pitch made the floor that we where standing to tilt over and he stopped when Elsa was grabbing herself from the railings that where surrounding the piece of floor.

An he stopped making it tilt but when it was balanced out Elsa was still hanging from where she was holding.

North runned to her but when he was about to reach her Pitch appeared.

North's daughter returnsWhere stories live. Discover now