Chapter 54 - Killer

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I can't even express how proud I am of my Cupcake for being so brave to stay here and watch her abusers die. I may be used to such cruelty, but she's not. Yet she still stayed here and watched Lia kill Gloria and Bernard. The only time she felt sick was when Lia fed Bernard his own flesh, but apart from that, she seemed completely fine.

Once our sister is done with the two fuckers, she goes to Crusher, Snake's VP. He still can't talk too well, but I have a feeling it won't stop Lia from squeezing the truth out of him. Even though we're over with Snake and his gang, we still need to know their reason for going against us. They couldn't have possibly done it all without a reason.

"You ready to talk?" Lia taunts, wiping off the blood from her hands with a small towel.

"What the fuck are you?" Crusher stutters pathetically, shaking in his chair. "You f-fucking monster."

"Watch that mouth of yours, asshole, before I cut it open." Blake warns deadly, pointing a knife at Crusher's face.

"It's fine, babe. He's just scared." Lia wraps her arms around her man and snuggles into his side. "Rightfully so, since I don't plan to be merciful. – she chuckles darkly – Unless of course you reveal everything we want to know. Then I may actually let you off easily."

"You're so mean, kitten, giving him false hope like that." Blake chuckles humorously, pressing a kiss to Lia's head.

"Don't ruin the surprise." Lia whines, pouting adorably.

"Killian, can I leave? I'm not sure I want to be here for this. This is club business, I don't think I should be here..." Cupcake tells me quietly, getting surprised looks from my brothers and a quiet sigh from me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I don't know if I can handle it again." She frowns worriedly, throwing a furtive glance at Lia.

"Okay, then." I smile, kissing her forehead before taking her hand and slowly leading her back to the clubhouse. I know she's still in pain from all the hits she got from Bernard and I don't want to leave her alone.

As soon as we're in the common room, we're approached by Treasure, Maggie and Anna. They immediately start gushing over the stuff they bought and pull my Cupcake away.

My Cupcake throws me an apologetic smile as she's dragged away by the three ladies and I can't help but chuckle in amusement.

And just like that my Cupcake is stolen from me.

Deciding to not bother the ladies, I go back to the shed to watch the end of our enemies. It's no use staying here while the women have their fun.

"You're back? I thought you'd stay with your woman..." Tank jokes, forced to speak loudly in order to be heard over Crusher's pained screams.

"Blame your lady. – I grumble – She stole my girl the moment we stepped in the common room."

"They're back already?"

"Yeah. And considering the number of bags I saw in the common room, you're broke." I smirk, getting a worried look from my Prez.

"Holy shit, I should've sent someone with them. At this rate the whole club will go bankrupt." He shakes his head incredulously.

"AAAAAAAAAARGH!" Crusher yells in pain, cutting our exchange short. I turn to the cell, only to see Lia drilling into the fucker's toe. I'm surprised to see her technique. If it was me, I would drill the guy's toes into the floor, but Lia is drilling into his foot through his toes, crushing his bones in the process. Good god, how does she come up with those ideas?!

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