New Town

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"...and here it is, Soph...SOPH!" one night, yeah, and one more time, thanks for the "SOPH!"


"Stop screaming I'm right next to you,"

"Then stop screaming to me."

"Nevermind, just turn off your crap music because we're here."

"Hey! It's not crap! Wait ...we're here. Shit"  

 When mom said we were moving out of the city into the small town of Daleville, I thought she was kidding. I understood why we moved, but she could have just sent me to a new school. I knew the true reason was the fact she wanted to save face and look good in front of the community. So I got expelled from school, it was for a good cause. Thomas got what was coming to him, he deserved that broken nose I gave him. I don't understand how you can cheat on your girlfriend with your best friend and not get punched. And as for my best friend... 

"Shit, my toe"

"Well, watch where you're going and you won't stub your toe." 

 I get my stuff from the van and go inside my new house.

"It's like the '60s threw up in the house," I mumble to myself, still partly focused on the pain flowing through my foot. The open hallway where I now stand is covered in neon yellow flower wallpaper.  I go up the creaky stairs to check out the bedrooms and to my delight, there's a room with just white walls. I put my stuff down and start unpacking. I first set up my CD collection and put on the White Album by the Beatles. I start unpacking as the intro to Back In The U.S.S.R. plays. 


"Done," I moan, "I'm done unpacking mom." I turn on my laptop and check my email. Nothing newI get up to turn off the CD player after the ending of Teenagers and brush my teeth. God, please don't let me have school tomorrow. But hey, why would God start talking now. He didn't before and that was... nevermind, don't think about it. I turn off the lights and take my sleeping medication. Hopefully, they will help me turn off my mind and go to sleep. I just have to try to stop thinking. 

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