First day

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Note- Alex is played by young Misha Collins

Luckily it did. In fact, I only went to one class till it all went down the drain.

I walked into the building and was shocked. I might want to point out that I've never been to schools with uniforms, so when I walked into the building all I saw was bright orange and puke color green (the uniform colors), and may I say, its a horrible combination. I felt like the whole world threw up on the sun. 

"Oh great a new student!" a guy to my left said laced with sarcasm.

"I know right! This school isn't a charity house for the poor so why do they keep sending in poor people!" replied the jock next to him.  

What? Why all of the hate the miniute I walk in? Damn, I hate being the new girl. As I walked toward the office I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I heard the first bell and in a rush the hallway was empty. I looked over the hallway and it as huge without people in it. I finally found the office and walked in. 

"Wow" the room I was now standing in had that yellow stripes with that horrible puke green color as a wallpaper. This place has no taste. 

"Are you lost?" a gravelly voice asked me from behind. I turn towards the voice and...

Holy HELL.  

In front of me lay a dark brown-haired, blue-eyed angel-  an angel that faintly reminded me of Misha Collins as a teenager. 

What is happening? How is the world doing this? Okay, breathe. It's not like its the same person. Dammit, Why am acting all worked up about this one guy?  

Because he looks like Castiel from Supernatural, hell he even spoke like him. Shut up brain. As I look back up towards him I realize he asked me something. 

"Umm no,no, I'm okay, really I am" stammering out loud.

He tilted his head and my god this boy is going to be the dealth of me.

"Here are your classes miss, you are Sophy, right?"  

I spin back around (trying to hide the blush that's going to form on my face if I keep looking at him) to face a nice looking old lady handing me papers and a school uniform.I said thanks to the lady and turned back around.  

" My name Alex, by the way" he says in a not-raspy-Castiel voice. What the hell is wrong with me? 

" Hey, I'm Sophy, yeah Sophy. " Why did I repeat my name? Ugh, I have to get out of here, now. 

"Nice meeting you,  I guess, I'll see you later" he replied, giving me a swoon worthy smile.

I exit feeling slightly unnerved and honestly hoping I don't develop a crush on Alex on my first day of school on the basis that he looks like a famous actor. I changed quickly and went to my locker, after that I went off to my first class, which happens to be World History with Ms. Riggs. Well at least I will know one person. I walked on to the classroom and opened the door. 

"and he said, I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength, and upon that..." 

I walk into the classroom and see a young lady talking about Christ in front of of a classroom. I  start to wonder if this is the World History or Bible camp until I hear "Sophy, Sophy are you there?" I get out of my daze and look up to see everyone looking at me.I nod and move to sit down to a happy Cassie. 

"As I was saying this is our new student, Sophy" said the person who I think is Ms.Riggs. "Anyway God is protecting you and has a plan made for everyone" 

"Umm"I rise up my hand and continue to talk "It's Soph and I thought this was world history, not bible camp" I say strongly. 

"Well this is world history, everyone believes in this all over the world."

" First, that's a load of bullshit, you do realize that many people don't beleive in God, or they believe in multiple Gods.Second, God does not protect you. Third, Christ does not give you strength, it comes from you, and fourth, Umm what part of World History is this?" I say harshly. 

Which is how I end up breaking moms promise by 9:30 in the morning and sitting outside the principal's office while shes talking to the principal. After she comes out a half  an hour later she tells me to go home with her.I can see she's tired because her eyes have bags under them so I just nod and go with her. When we get home I go straight to my room and lock the door .

Great a great first day at a school, but that class is just plain wrong. 

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