Chapter 2

"You'll die later at night while stretching!" the odd man shouted.

"He's the odd man I'm saying," she whispered.

"He's weird. Why would someone die just for stretching?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. No one knows."

He's giving a weird way of dying. Maybe... Maybe he's just really saying nonsense. I've been paranoid for a minute because of him, yet it's all fake. He's crazy.

"Let's just ignore him. He's not important," I said, then continue walking.

"Wait!" she shouted, then jog our distance.


"I want to experience something new, something thrilled," she said.

"And that is?" I asked, but I just regret it.

"Let's follow the girl who'll die later," she smirks.

"You're crazy."

"I am. Let's go," she said, then pull my hands.

"No, no, no! I'm not going with you. You're out of your mind! That's like playing with fire! You might risk your life— our life!" I shouted.

"We'll be careful. Let's go!" she said, then pull my hands again, but I keep on refusing.

"I am not going with you."

"You will."




"You will come with me!" she shouted, then pulled my hands.

"I'm not going anywhere! I'm going ba—"

A shout of someone makes us stop arguing. When we look at him, my heart almost stops beating.

"You are going to die tomorrow evening, once you sing a nursery rhyme!" an odd man shouted.

That makes us silent for a while. That's... That's unexpected. We didn't even expecting him to show up. Is this... Is this the time when I will also know when and in what way I gonna die.

The words came out from his mouth makes me feel nervous. Lyka won't die.

"I-I'm n-not going to die! Y-you're crazy. I wonder why you're still not in the Mental Hospital," Lyka exclaimed, but the odd man ignored her and look at me.

"You will die after her!" he shouted.

I wanted to disagree, but no voice coming out in my mouth. I'm freaking nervous right now! It's heavy to breath while looking at his eyes.

"You will follow her!" he shouted again.

He's weird.


He's crazy.

"Don't mind him. He's crazy. For sure it's just his prediction. It won't be happening," she assured, but it didn't make me calm.

"W-who knows? Like what you said earlier. N-no one knows if that was true or... just a pure prediction," I mumbled.

"Just... Just ignore him. Stop thinking what he said. That's nonsense," she said, then pull me. "Let's just enjoy this day. If he's saying the truth... Then let's enjoy ourselves together until our alleged day come."

She told me to stop thinking about it, but I can't help it.

"Follow me," she said, but I can't move my feet as if they're glued to the ground.

What if he's saying the truth?

What if I'll die while following her?

What if... What if I die without saying goodbye to my family even in their graves?

I know... I know that I told her that I'll just read books all day. But, I just realized now. I don't want to die... Yet.

"Lyn! Let's go!" she shouted, but I'm still hesitant to follow her.

To be honest, I'm scared. I'm scared to death. I never thought that this time will come. The time where I will be feel scared.

I'm hesitant.

Should I run away?

Should I stop following her?

Should I start avoiding her?

Should I stop communicating with her?

I don't know anymore!

She walks slowly to me without breaking our eye contact, "You're hesitant," she mumbled.

That's not even a question. It's a statement. A statement that I can't disagree.

"I know you're starting making questions inside your head. You've been thinking to stay away from me. You're planning to stop talking to me again," she said.

Her eyes sparkled, but not because of admiration. It's because she's hurt. The sun light reflects in her tears.

Our best-friend-relationship just started an hour ago. Yet, that relationship ruined because of that odd man.

My heart tightened. I hurt her. And I felt guilty. I can't even look at her straight right now. I don't know what to say or what to do. I hurt her.

"I u-understand, but p-please trust me. I promise... I w-will protect you. U-until my last breath," she said while sobbing. And every time she sobbed is like a dagger stabbing my heart.

"T-that's the problem... He said... I... I'm g-going to d-die after y-you. I-I'm s-scared t-to d-death... I... I don't know anymore."

"Please... trust me. Just this once."

Dedicated to: Hyleen De Guzman
©2020 Xiaojientrovert

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