✰| Headcannons: Izuku Midoriya

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In most Yandere Books, we all know that Izuku Midoriya is one Delusional and one Crazy Yandere... With a past so sad it's easy to imagine how the green haired male may become a Villain himself, if it weren't for meeting All Might twice and getting a goddamn quirk by eating hair it's easy to see how Izuku may become Yandere...

So why don't we see what would happen if Izuku became a Yandere Hero...


- Izuku is one Clingy, Manipulative, Crazy and don't get me started on DELUSIONAL, Yandere. He isn't so bad but he isn't so good if you know what I mean, he's bad for your health but we'll get to that later

- Izuku met you in one of his patrols around the city, going to your job as the two of you managed to meet eye contact... Thats when he realized he knew you... Yes... He HAD met you, you're the one who defended him when he was still in middle school, you two became friends and maybe in high school that's when everything changed...

About around the time high school the two of you said your goodbyes, you were quirkless, and you thought with Izuku by your side the two of you may become an unstoppable duo. But that all changed when he got his quirk, leaving you alone and quirkless.

But even with a bad start you worked as a reporter and you just so happened to meet the Number 1 Pro Hero Deku... You interviewed him and that's when you realized that he hasn't changed one bit, he's still that kind, shy and loving Izuku you knew back then...

But you were to naive to realize what was going inside his head...

- He adored everything about you, from your adorable self, to your golden heart, he wanted you because, of course, fate and the gods had made you meet again for the second time and guess what, it's Love At First Sight...

- After meeting you he will, uncontrollably take pictures wherever you go, 'coincidentally' bumping into and making you go on a 'friendly chat' with him. And a shrine dedicated just for you, but room size if you know what I mean... Just some normal and typical Yandere stuff.

But he can't help himself, you can't blame him for wanting you even more...

- Seeing as he's gone this far, if it was student Deku, he'd watch from a far but if it was Hero Deku he'd befriend you, he's not afraid of Kacchan anymore and he's got the courage to do so.

- As the two of you talk together, you'd notice some changes in him... Comparing the first time you'd have a friendly chat with him and the other times, you've noticed that he'd often ask you... Personal things which you answered, he in return answers the question himself, like, "Do have a lover? And as for me sadly, I don't...", "When do you have to go to work, mines early in the morning.", that was some of the more non-creepy questions, trust me it goes way deeper than that...

- Izuku will sooner or later confess to you (in the most stuttering way possible) and since you know him as a cute and lovey-dovey kind of guy, of course you'll say yes, but to make it more interesting (and for this chapter to go on), all hell will broke loose if you said no.

No, no, no, you didn't reject him, you're just afraid! Yes! The pressure of being seen in public with the number 1 hero is quite the fright especially when it is announced, Some of her now Haters and Fans will surely not agree with a quirkless but amazing being as yourself to even breath the same air as him...

- And since that's the reason he'll keep you safe for only him, (Don't call it kidnapping! You're going to get top treatment and most of all, his love!)

- On a scale of 1 to 10, he's about 4, he isn't so dangerous, he's actually a good boi but he isn't so good in terms with mental health. Yeah he'd use everything mental wise like depression, fears and etc..

- Izuku would definitely make them disappear using his quirk, he isn't sadistic and only kills if he thinks it may hurt you...

- And speaking of hurt, incase of a punishment, its probably a more laid back thing... Like he screams at you, guilt trips you, and manipulates you but when he sees one tear, he cries himself making you question how the hell did you manage to hug the person who just kidnapped you...

And behavior wise, he'll probably go on a lesson about values- with you still chained onto the bed as he hugs you to sleep.

- If you just so happened to escape, (which will not likely happen because he has cameras all around you.) He will straight up cry then and there, checking all camera footages for any leads as to which way you went, He will find you in about 1 to 3 days.

Once you escape, get money and leave Japan as soon as possible, just say bye to the world, and you'll be free...

But of course he'll recapture you, he's the number 1 hero so everyone trusts and believes him, because he is the symbol of peace...

- Izuku won't care at that moment even if you cry- he won't hurt you per se- cause Izuku (without knowing) is a MASTER manipulator... He'll use the things he did for you, the times you two spent, and maybe even threatening to kill himself... As good as that sounds the world needs him, but if he can't have you... Might as well give up right?

He'll of course, isolate you...

- Once he misses you, which, is when he gets out of the room, he'll go straight back and hug you, saying things like 'sorry' and 'I love you'... He's the best at aftercare since he's never hurt you physically, it's just a matter of time til you fall in love with him...

- Speaking of falling in love, yes you will, because of his softness, you'll slowly but surely walk towards him with open arms...

- Izuku will be more that happy, he's going to the moon and back! When he realized that you love him more than you ever did (even then he thinks you love him and he loves you), hell give you more privileges and allow you to walk above ground again... (After the whole escaping thing, you're stuck there with him...)

- You however did not need to go out, you're fine with how you were now but Izuku sure persuaded you to go on a date with him so yeah its a win win... You'll be more open with him and maybe even say those 3 words he always loved to hear escape from your lips...

"Come on! I-I really miss going out with you..."

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