( thirteen ) legends

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"What's with all the noi— woah, what happened in here?"

"I can't find anything to wear." Amelie groans, throwing yet another skirt across the room.

"Yeah, probably because your closet only consists of black and the occasional red clothes." Carrie says, making Amelie roll her eyes. "But, luckily for you, you have an amazing sister with incredible fashion sense."

"Really? Where is she?" Amelie says, sarcastically.

"What color is Julie wearing?"

"Why do you wanna—"

"Just answer the question, AJ." Carrie huffs, rolling her eyes.

"Purple and magenta with a black leather jacket." Amelie says, folding her arms over her chest.

"Okay, clean up your room and come to mine when you're done." Carrie says with a small smile before skipping out of the room.

Amelie just sits there for a second, looking around at the mess she made before letting out a loud groan and doing what her sister had said.

After cleaning up her clothes and making her as clean as she could, she makes her way down the hall to her sister's room.

"Grey-ish purple or pink? Ooo, or maybe gold—"

Amelie's eyes go wide at the colorful arrangement of clothes her sister had picked out for her. Carrie walks over to her and holds one of the dresses up to Amelie's body.

"Why are you helping me?"

Carrie lets out a long sigh. "I know I haven't been the best sister lately, but I don't want to lose you." The girl says, placing the dress back into her closet. "You don't even have to tell me what that letter said to know that you got in, they'd be insane not to accept you, but I don't want this to be the end of us as sister and as best friends."

"You were always there for me and I took your for granted, then when you finally stood up for yourself and went to Julie, I got jealous and said and did things I didn't mean. And I just want you back in my life, AJ. I miss you."

Carrie extends out her hand, Amelie lets out a small sigh before doing a small handshake with the girl. "Well, as long as you don't try to dye my hair again."

Both girls chuckle as they finish doing their handshake. "Yeah, sorry about that. But, hey, was I right about the letter?"

"Yeah, I got accepted. I'm starting this summer."

"And what about the band? Does this mean that you'll be leaving them?" Carrie asks, trying not to seem to happy about it.

"I'm not sure if they'll be a band after tonight." Amelie says sadly, but before Carrie could ask why, she changes the subject, "so what's with all the star dresses?"

"It was for Dirty Candy, but i'm not really into the star theme." Carrie says, grabbing the purplish-grey star dress and holding it against the girl's front. "But I think this'll look great on you. It won't clash with Julie's outfit and with black boots, a few accessories, and we make your hair a bit more wavy, you're all set."

"What about my mom's leather jacket? Would it match?"

"No, no. That won't do."


"Come on, AJ. We've got a lot of work to do."

"Hey, Jules."

"Hey, AJ. I like what you did with your hair." The curly-haired girl as Amelie quickens her pace to catch up to her.

"Thank you, I can't wait to see how that dress will look on you." Amelie says before nudging the girl with her elbow. "I bet I'm not the only one excited about it."

Julie blushes a bit at the thought of her soon-to-be boyfriend. "Yeah, well, I can't wait to see what you'll be wearing since you wanted to be all secretive about it."

"Oh yeah, I lied about that. I just didn't have anything to wear until like an hour or two ago." Amelie says, making Julie roll her eyes as they approach the barn doors of the garage. "But I couldn't find my mom's jacket when I was leaving the house so I guess I'll be going on without it."

"Well, I know both of our moms will be watching over us. That's all we really need, right?" Julie says, making Amelie nod before she pulls open the doors. "Are you guys ready?"

The three ghosts just stare back at the two girls, a frightened look on their faces. "Whats wrong?"

"Yeah, we just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." Alex says, rubbing his side. Julie and Amelie glance at each other with a look of concern for the boys.

"Pretty sure I ghost peed a little." Reggie says, making Amelie scrunch her nose a bit.

"But we're fine." Luke says, plastering a reassuring smile on his face to calm the two girl's down.

"Actually, guys, I'm a little nervous." Julie says before nudging Amelie, giving her a suggestive look. "Alex, Reggie, can I talk about something all the way over there?"

"Wait, Ju—"

"Jace," Luke says, making the girl finally meet the boy's eyes as he approaches her. Amelie bites her bottom lip nervously. "Hey. I -uh- I heard that you got into that super exclusive Symphony you were talking about. Congrats."

"Thanks." Amelie says, her hand unconsciously moving up to her necklace. "Um, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, Jace, anything."

"Wh-when you cross over and you make it to Heaven, can-can you let my mom know that I love and that I'm so thankful that she brought you guys into my life. That she brought you into my life."

"Yes, I will." Luke says, reaching over to take the name on the girl's necklace into her hand. "Can you do me a favor?"


"No matter what happens tonight, don't forget me, all right?" Luke says with a small chuckle, making the girl smile up at him. Amelie raises her hand to grab his, intertwining their fingers for as long as they could hold on.

"How could I ever forget you, ghost-boy?"

"Hey, guys. Band circle!" Alex says, making Luke Amelie drop their hands before meeting the rest of the group in the center of the room.

Julie and Amelie join hands and hover their free ones of the boy's hands. "We don't know what brought us here, but what we do know is, you're a star, Julie. And Jace, you have such a big future ahead of you with the Symphony and much more."

"And just because this us our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you both from above or..." Luke glances down at the ground suggestively, making Amelie chuckle and shake her head. "Now let's go rock this show. Let's give 'em a night they'll be talking about 'til the sun comes up."

"Legends on three." Luke says, nodding at Amelie.





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