Chapter 2

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"Gav?", as my voice trembles seeing him in front of me. For five years that I've seen him, he never changed. He just stands there looking at me still holding me.

"Cai-I", as I remove my hand immediately. A wound inside me suddenly opened. His presence is the cause of it.

"I better get going", as I hurriedly turn around but the guy before was fast approaching me.

"There you are you omega piece of shit!", I was in panic again and go back away and remembering he's in front of me.

"Cai, what's happening?", as I was not in my right mind and hold his arm.

"Wait, Gavreel you know this piece of shit?", as I clutch more to him. I think he knows the guy.

"Sid, that's out of the line there, what did he do?", as I look at the guy named Sid fuming with anger.

"That omega harassed me and kick me in my balls. I'm gonna sue him and he's going to jail", as my heart dropped. I can't go to prison. I'm innocent.

"It's not true, it's not true, He harassed me first", I reply.

"You dare accuse me omega? Do you know who I am? I could get you jail in a snap", as I try not to tear up.

"Sid, chill man you're scaring him"

"You're siding him, man, give him to me so I can punish him", as he's about to grab me. He was stopped by him.

"Dude, can you let this slide one out? Just for me Sid"

"What is it with that omega? He's not even the same level as them", as my heart was wrenched more.

"Sid please, do this as a favor for me?", the guy sighs.

"OK, you're lucky, we owe you, you better do something about that omega", as he leaves us, being left now with him.

"He's gone now", as I heard his soft voice. I immediately move away from him.

"T-thank you", as I try to not look at him then I remembered my job.

"I better go back"

"Cairo, wait", as I run towards back to the restaurant.

I arrived back at the restaurant and saw the head of the kitchen waiting for me. I was scolded a lot but I lied by receiving an emergency call. I try to correct my uniform to hide the grip marks from that bastard alpha.

After hours of cleaning, I got out of the restaurant. It's already midnight. The walking site is so silent with only a few vehicles on the street.

I have to be careful, as an omega it's prone to be raped or being robbed here in this. I clutched my backpack and walk with an awareness of my surrounding.

I'm now at the bus stop. Hailing for a cab to go home. I've been waiting for a couple of minutes now still no bus or cab but out of nowhere, an expensive car stopped in front of me. The window of the car rolled down on me and revealing it's him.

"Cai, do you need a lift?", I saw his smile while talking to me. How can he smile like knowing what he had done to us?

"I'm fine, I don't need any lift", as I reply with a blank expression. Then suddenly, the rain started to pour heavily.

"Goddammit, now?", as I cursed as I covered myself in the bus stop.

"Cai, get in, you'll never get any bus in this weather", he shouted and opened his car door. I am hesitating to enter but the rain wouldn't stop pouring and I need to go home.

I decide to get into his car. It's the second time we met tonight. It's getting more awkward now.

"Uhm, you can put your coordinates on the GPS, I'll just drop you there", as I put the address of Risa.

It was a silence that lingers in the air as both of us can't dare to strike up a conversation.

"How are you?", as he's the one who cut down the silence.

"I'm fine", as I blandly replied.

"Oh OK, so it's that restaurant you work for?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, it's just that"

"It's just what? That an omega work there?"

"No, Cai, I didn't mean like that"

"It sounds like it"

"I'm sorry", as I heard those words and chuckled bitterly.

"Wow, it's the first time I heard that from you", as I sarcastically replied.

"Cai I-"

"Please just don't talk to me, we will never be the same as we used to before, you know that"

We arrived at Risa's place. Why? I don't want him to know where I live and Miko is with her. The rain stopped. I opened the door and grabbed my belongings to leave.


"No, as I've said, there's nothing between us now. Go back to your life and I'll go back to mine. Let's forget this never happens", as I step outside and walking towards Risa's house.

Upon arriving at the front door, Risa saw me while holding my niece.

"Cai was that-"

"Yes, that's him and I don't want to talk about it", as I enter and proceed to go to Miko. Seeing him asleep on the couch.

"He's stubborn, he won't sleep until he sees you come here. I managed to trick him to fake sleep to surprise you but ended up sleeping", as I sit down caressing his hair while listening to Risa.

"He looks and behaves like him Cai", Risa said sitting beside me.

"I know, it's a still remembrance I can't remove"

"Have you told him?", as I shake my head.

"Cai, he deserves to know"

"And what? Take Miko from me, they've already hurt me before and the one thing that kept me alive will be next. Not in my goddamn soul"

"But Cai, he's also the father of your son"

"The father of my son that left me, abandoned me and betrayed me while I was still pregnant", as tears start to stream down on my face.

"He should never exist in our life. The day he left us is the day he's dead to me and Miko", as Risa grab a tissue and gave it to me.

"I understand but do remember, there will be a time that you'll have to tell the truth"

After an hour, London offers to give a ride home. I carried Miko back to our small home. I tucked in his bed and kiss his forehead.

"I love you so much and I'll do anything to give you the best life I never had"

Rekindle - CaiReel A/B/O Mpreg AU Where stories live. Discover now