Chapter 70

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I was drained, both emotionally and mentally. Robert had left me as soon as we were shoved out of the house, not letting out a small word fall between us. I felt like I had been thrown off in a jungle, waiting for someone to help me escape.

Even when I had reached the tracks, little earlier than usual, there was no sign of Robert or his favorite Maria. For starters, I was worried and considered running the issue with Luke and Dan. But then, I hesitated. He was a big boy after all, he knew how to handle himself. I had quietened down, running my laps and workouts as I thought about the possibilities.

I didn't know if I had a job at the café now or the honor of being Monica's maid at her wedding. I had not only lost a job, but also a second family that I had come to treat as my own.

With my own father who had worked things behind my back, Monica pushing me away and Robert leaving me without another word, I left like there was nothing I could go back to.

Tracks were the only thing that I could call mine now. At least, I could feel like home until the engines were cut off.

A small voice inside my head told me that perhaps, that was how Dad felt when Mom had died. But then, I shut it out completely. I had been defending Dad for a long time now and even if I was going to forgive him soon, I knew I had to stop protecting him at every curve.

I breathed heavily as I started the gas and looked around another time to see if Robert was around. I didn't know what I would tell him if he was there, but I knew I had to be with him for moral support.

A small part of me warned me that he might have ran again. I was certain that he might pull such a stunt if he put his mind into it.

"Looking for someone?" Luke asked me getting closer to my car. For the first time in the whole day, I smiled weakly at Luke. "Someone with curly hair?"

He had a wide grin on his face as he teased me. But today, I was in no mood to get titillated. I just smiled again. "Hey, you haven't seen him, have you?"

"No." Luke said, placing his hands on my window as I lowered the glass. He bent forward and put his head in the frame of my window and peered at me. "What's going on with you two? One day you are fighting and the other you are pulling each other's leg."

"He's my coach." I said, a little harder than I had expected. "Just because of that he scolds me at every turn. That's not fair, is it?"

With all the skills I had gained with Robert, answering smartly was one that I would cherish the most. At my return question now, Luke only smiled and shook his head. It was very rare seeing Luke smile and grin like a fool and when he did, I was truly happy to be witnessing it.

"Now, what's with your smile?" I asked as he didn't answer my previous questions. "You should do that often you know. I know you like that Satan face of yours but smiling won't take it away from you."

He smiled broadly now and put his hand inside to ruffle my hair. "I lost my sister last year. Cancer." He said with his smile intact as he looked at me. "You remind me of her."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be. She didn't let me do this." He said putting his hand forward to ruffle my hair again.

"Funny." I mock glared at him. "Well, take my advice and practice smiling at least ten times a day." I said to lighten the mood. "You will get back to normal then."

"Yes, Ma'am." Luke said. "It's looking like rain tonight, Scar. Drive safe."

I nodded my head and went ahead, to the place I dreaded to go. Since it was after ten at night, I only hoped that Dad would have slept peacefully leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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