Legacy of Death

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Things felt tense in the atmosphere as Valentino and Angel Dust had a stare off. Like they were challenging the other to make the first move. Other demons could feel it too.

But before anything could happen, Vox and Velvet appeared. Before their own deaths, they had relative who were learned in the magical Arts, and when they saw her necklace, they both knew Valentino would be no match for the spider.

"Valentino, come on. We're going somewhere else." Velvet said dragging him along.

"Wha?! Why are you intervening?!" Valentino yelled.

"Cause if we didn't, the Studio's going to need a new boss. She's too strong for you to fight." Vox whispered, gaining Valentino's attention.

"What did you say?"

"She's not only a witch. She the Master of Death. The possessor of the Deathly Hallows, hailed as the most powerful witch of her time when she was still alive." Velvet explained.

"She also earned the title as the Conqueroress. All previous Wizards that dared to go against her, they always ended up losing and not only in the duel but also everything they possess. Wealth, titles, property, you name it. That's the law of her people." Vox stated as the trio left.

Alastor had never seen Vox that nervous before. He looked like something was going to jump out at him and take his life.

Then he noticed that Vox looked at her necklace when it happened. He wondered if that had something to do with it.

After the gathering.....

Alastor was back with Angel Dust at her home, and she still had the necklace on.

"Alastor. I know you're curious about my necklace. Am I right?"

"...Vox of all demons seemed to know what it was, and looked like something was going to attack him. And I've never seen him react that way. To be honest, when you met Lucifer and Lilith, they seemed to tense up as well." Alastor stated his smile loosening.

..... "You want to know? The story of this symbol?"

Alastor merely smiled more.

Angel sighed as she took out her wand and conjured up some smoke from the fireplace nearby.

'There were once three brothers, who were travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight.' As the smoke took shape of three men walking toward a great river.

'In time, they reached a river too treacherous to pass. But being learned in the Magical Arts, they simply waved their wands and made a bridge.' As a bridge was formed.

'But before they could cross, their path was blocked by a hooded figure.

It was Death himself.' The smoke then took shape of a cloaked skeletal being and Alastor looked on with wide eyes.

'He was angry that he had been cheated out of three new victims for travelers usually drowned in the river.

But Death was also cunning.

He pretended to praise the brothers on their magic, and claimed that they should all earn a prize for being clever enough to evade him.

The oldest brother; Anitoch, who was a combative man asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence. One that must always win duels for its owner. A wand worthy of a wizard who conquered Death. So Death crossed to an elder tree nearby and fashioned for him a wand from one of its branches.' As a wand took form from a branch.

'The second brother; Cadimus, who was an arrogant man, decided to ridicule Death even further and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to Cadimus, telling him that the stone would have the power to recall the dead.' A stone appearing.

'Finally, Death turned to the youngest brother; Ignotius, who was a humble and wise man and he didn't trust Death. He asked for something that would allow him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. And Death reluctantly made for him a Cloak of Invisibility from a shroud of his own robe.' A cloak appearing around a man.

'In due course, the brothers separated for their own destinations.' As the three men separated.

'Anitoch travelled to a distant village, and with the Elder Wand in hand, he killed a fellow wizard with whom he often quarreled. Drunk with the power the Elder Wand had given him, Anitoch proceeded to an inn where he boasted loudly of the wand he 'snatched' from Death himself and how it made him invincible.' As the man showed his arrogance.

'But that night as Anitoch slept in his bed, a jealous wizard crept into his room, stole the wand, and with it, Anitoch's life for good measure.' A shadow of a man crept on the sleeping man with a knife and it went black.

'And so Death took the first brother.'

Then the 2nd man was shown at his home with the stone.

'Cadimus returned home where he lived alone. There he took the stone and turned it thrice in hand. To his delight, the maiden that he had hoped to marry before her untimely death appeared at once before him.' A glowing figure of a young woman was shown before the man dancing until she turned black and sorrowful, along with the man having his head in his hands as if in despair.

' But as time passed, she grew sad and cold for she no longer belonged to the world of the living and suffered as a result.'

'Finally, driven mad with hopeless longing, Cadimus took his own life to join her.' The man was shown again, having hung himself.

'And so Death took the second brother.'

Then Death was shown wondering, as if looking for something.

'As for Ignotius, Death searched for many years but was never able to find him. It was only when he attained a great age that Ignotius shed the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son.' An aged old man is then shown giving the Cloak to a young man in their 20's. 

Then Death comes and the old man seems to greet him, and the two of them walked off somewhere.

'He then greeted Death like an old friend, and went with him gladly.

And as equals, they departed this life.'

Once the story was over, Alastor was completely silent. He never heard of a story like that.

"Now I can guess you're wondering why this has to do with the symbol." Angel said as she took out her wand, a ring from her pocket, and near her chair, she grabbed a Cloak that looks like it was actually weaved from water.

"The Elder Wand. The most powerful one in existence.

The Resurrection Stone. The stone with the power to recall the Dead.

The Cloak of Invisibility. Shields the owner from prying eyes.

Together, they are the Deathly Hallows, items that once belonged to Death." Angel said as she drew the symbol in order. "Together, they make one Master of Death."
Cliffhanger. What do you think would be Alastor's reaction?

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