A Night in the Forest

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Later that night, Angel went out to a forest that was just outside of Pentagram City. It was also the only area in Hell that didn't have a red sky, and the time was night time with a dark blue sky. That was the only place Angel could have a breather from anything.

She had also found a lake there that had water better than any other in Hell, and wondered if this was the only unspoiled spot in this underworld.

"I thought I would find you here." A familiar voice said behind her.

"You followed me here Alastor?"

"...You only told me about the death of your parents, but not about what happened to you? And I can't find myself thinking you weren't raised to an orphanage." The Radio Demon said as he walked to sit next to Angel.

"...No. I had to be saddled with my mom's relatives. To be honest, they were more of a hell than this place." She said looking into the water, feeling like her old self was showing itself in there.

"In other words, they treated you like a slave." Alastor said, his smile gradually lessening.

"You don't know the half of it. My actual name was Alstromeia Potter." Angel said as she explained of how she lived in a cupboard under the stairs, was lied to of her parents being useless drunks, and never celebrated her birthday either.

She went on to tell Alastor of her learning of being a witch, meeting Hagrid, getting Hedwig as her first present, learning her parents died to protect her from a madman.

Going to Hogwarts for the first time. Being sorted into Gryffindor, meeting Hermione and Ron, winning her first Quiddich game, and facing Voldemort for the first time for 11 years for the Sorcerer's Stone.

Then she went on to tell him of everything else she went through. Her second year fighting a basilisk. Third year learning her godfather was innocent and facing dementors. Fourth being forced to enter a tournament and losing a friend to Voldemort. Fifth year was Hell under Umbridge and how the Ministry was at war with itself of keeping secrets because of their superiors. And losing her godfather as well. Sixth year changed her life as she learned of the prophecy and the horacruxes, which were made by killing an innocent. And losing the headmaster that she saw as a grandfather.

She couldn't stay at Hogwarts for her Seventh year, hunting the horacruxes, and learning of the hallows. Losing so much of her friends and family she never knew of. She even let herself get hit by a killing curse only to destroy the horacrux that Voldemort never knew he put in her. She came back of course, and was able finally defeat him for good. She also explained that those who dare to create horacruxes wouldn't be accepted by heaven or hell. Instead, their souls dissolved to nothing, as if they never existed.

She barely rested properly. Having to be a poster girl for the Wizarding World, teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, and she never found a reason to marry because most men were after her money. She only had her remaining friends and Teddy her godson who all still cared for her.

And neither her status or power left her even after she died an old maid. But as she arrived in Hell, her age was pushed back to her 20's.

When she finished, her face was slackened, as if she had a huge weight on her shoulders that was finally lifted.

She looked at her reflection in the lake as if she was picturing her old self, and tossed a pebble like she didn't want to see it.

Alastor, for a rare moment, wasn't smiling. He may have thought that frowning made any opponents weak against him.

But Angel, for her to face everything she went through.

He was certain she was the strongest woman he met.

"So, with everything you did and little you asked for, you should've been in Heaven. Yet you were sent here." Alastor stated, as he knew it wasn't a crime to stop a madman threatening an entire population or even the world itself.

"Yeah. And since you know of my beginning here, I also saved Mimzy or mom from being killed by those angels. Since I had nowhere to go, she took me in, actually the whole club did. Besides you now, they are also aware of my past." Angel softly smiled. "I began to see it as a way to make a fresh start, but even after death, my power won't let me go." Angel said as she took out The Elder Wand and looked at it.

Alastor was silent for a moment before shifting closer to Angel as he saw her eyes were glossy and threatening to tear up.

He never considered physical contact in this way before, but he'll try.

Angel then felt an arm around her and pulling her into an embrace.

"Alstromeia was who you once were. Now you're Angel Dust. You've earned the right to live for yourself now. If Heaven doesn't see how much you deserve to be up there, it's their loss." Alastor said as he held her close.

Angel was stiff for a few seconds before Alastor felt her burying her face into his shoulder and feeling it getting wet along with a pair of arms holding onto him.

Angel wound up falling asleep in his arms and he carried her back to the hotel bridal style.

What should happen next? I'm stuck either on revealing that Charlie and Vaggie followed Alastor to overhear their conversation, Alastor meeting Angel's ungrateful relatives on the street, or even a side chapter of Valentino and him thinking of a way to get back at Angel.
Plz comment!

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