Part 5

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The car was driving smoothly through the road but the environment inside the car wasn't that smooth. Taehyung was quiet regretting bringing you as you kept shuffling in your seat and trying to initiate a conversation while all he did was put an abrupt ending to your talks, everytime. You kept questioning his driving skills but stopped once after you realised that he wasn't a bad driver.

"Can we play some music please? The road isn't even ending." You sighed boringly, looking at your front, seeing a never ending grey pathway. "Are you finally tired using your mouth?" He taunted, keeping his eyes on the road as well. "I am getting bored." You looked at him, your hands folded.

"I ain't your entertainer." "Sure you are not. But at least you are the owner of this car and you can allow me to play some music to which I can listen to." You smiled with your brows raised but he ignored you and simply inserted a CD to play music. You cheered happily to yourself but all your smiles drained out once the music started playing.

It sounded too old for you to even know which song it was. You gave him an unbelievable look who seemed quiet unbothered and started humming to the classical chords. "What are you even playing?" You frowned and he gave you a side look. "Music." He looked back at the road. "What is this music? I don't even know what this is?" You threw a fit at him.

"You don't know many things Miss Lee but that doesn't mean that they do not exist." He simply shrugged his shoulders. "Sir I just wanted to listen to some music…" you made a cry face. ".... something which I would understand and is not this primitive for me." You kept glaring at his side profile. "I regret forgetting my earphones. At least-" "At least this journey would have been a calm one." 

You huffed folding your arms and looking straight. Your face puffed up in annoyance but there wasn't anything much which you could do. Taehyung looked at you as you stopped the music and sighed, not saying anything. After some time he craned his neck towards your direction as it has been more than half an hour and you didn't speak anything, only to find you fast asleep.

"Such a troublemaker." He muttered under his breath but still placed your head on the headboard of your seat as your head was hanging sideways. He wondered how much of a deep sleeper you were as you didn't even budge in so much of commotion.

"Miss Lee" you heard a familiar voice but you were too engrossed in your sleep to acknowledge the voice. "Miss Lee" Taehyung rolled his eyes as you kept sleeping without giving any heed to him. "Miss Lee" he tapped your shoulder this time and you jerked up immediately. "Yes Sir" you shrieked out and saw him looking at you, most probably staring at you.

"We have reached." You rubbed your eyes, letting out a small yawn. "How can you sleep like this while travelling with an unknown person?" You straightened yourself as soon as he snarled at you. You roamed your eyes from here to there, trying to settle yourself first. You get into some other world after waking up from a nap and need some time to come back.

"S-Sorry sir." You whispered after getting back to the real world. You were the one who was doubting to go with him but fell asleep during the whole journey. "What if I would have taken you to some unknown and unsafe place?" You kept mum for a while, as if thinking of something and then raised your hands.

"I know karate." You placed your hands slantly above you in a defensive manner and he sighed deeply. "Idiot!" He murmured under his breath and got down from the car and you followed him, making a little run behind him as his long steps were too long for you. You looked around the place and examined the lavish hotel where you two were going to stay.

While examining the interior, you didn't see and bumped into something hard. "Ouhh!" You rubbed the tip of your nose and looked up to see Taehyung glaring down at you. "Eyes on the front Miss Lee." He let out a monotonous warning. "Sorry sir." You bowed with a frowning pout and he turned back at the receptionist to take the room keys.

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