Part 13

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A couple of weeks rolled down the horizon and within this time period, you developed a good relationship with his parents too who would insist you to come to their place often. Taehyung and you would bicker all day and then at night, go back to the beach to plan something to take the thought of marriage out of your parents mind.

"Why don't you just say to your parents that you have a girlfriend and you love her and all?" You tugged on his arm, this time sitting on the sand beside him. It was so difficult to convince him to sit somewhere outside the car. "And what makes you think that they would believe me?" He raised his brows at you, sitting with his knees up and arms stretched back, resting his upper body on them.

"Why won't they?" You turned completely towards him. "Wait! You never had a girlfriend or what?" You widened your eyes and he looked away from you. "Omg. really? Never?" His silence answered your question. "Wait a minute…" your eyes flickered from here to there before landing on him again. "Okay I got it now." He raised his head to look at you.

"What?" He says. "I completely understand Mr. Kim and I agree with you." He looked visibly confused and hence sat up straight. "What are you agreeing to? And what did you even understand?" You held his shoulder, tapping it lightly. "It's alright Mr. Kim. You could have told me earlier about it." 

Taehyung was confused beyond limits. "If you are hesitating to talk to your parents about it then I can do it for you. I am sure uncle and aunty would agree. They are very understanding." You smiled sweetly at him. "What the hell are you talking about Miss Lee?" He narrowed his eyes, pressuring his brain to think your way but again, no one can understand what you think.

"Mr. Kim I might fight with you because you are a little…" you paused to look at him while pinching your thumb finger and index finger together. "...a little rude…." He glared at you but still you smiled at him. "But still I will support you." He sighed again. "Either tell me properly or let the conversation drop." He exclaimed in utter irritation now.

"Mr. Kim it's really fine. I know you might feel a little awkward to share with me but don't you worry. Today's world is very advanced and they accept love. Be it from anyone. Just tell me who your boyfriend is. I will talk about you two to your parents." 

"WHAT?" He freaked out after you completed. "it's nothing of a big deal Mr. Kim. Trust me." You assured hi. "I understand that you prefer guys and that's perfectly fine." You again smiled at him. He let his head fall back, highly done with all the nonsense talks of yours. "Miss Lee." He sighed.

"Seriously you were born without brains. Weren't you?" You blinked your eyes innocently. "But Mr. Kim…." "Shut up! I am straight and even if I wasn't, I would have myself told my parents. I don't need anyone to stand for me. Thank you. You have already used a lot of your limited brains for today. Give yourself some rest." He replicated the same smile of yours and you frowned badly.

"There is no value of goodness in today's world." You scoffed to yourself, murmuring. "I heard you." He groaned from beside. "Woohoo...Oscar for best ears." You forced a smile at him. "Irritating…!" "I heard that too." You yelled as he got up, ready to head back home.


"Omg I am so excited." Ana squealed in happiness making you giggle in response. "But please make it fast you all. I have an important meeting later." Seokjin says, while looking straight at the road. " are the one I am worried about." Taehyung murmured calmly, sitting beside him in the passenger's seat.

Ana and Seokjin were going to the designer to get their wedding dresses and Taehyung's mother wanted you to accompany them and do some shopping for yourself too. Seokjin tagged along Taehyung after a lot of pleadings.

"Can we eat something after getting your dress and then do the rest of the shopping please?" You popped in after your stomach grumbled for the third time. "Aww y/nie is hungry?" Ana cooed and you nodded. "When is she not hungry?" Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Ahh! You shouldn't point out at someone's eating." Seokjin nudged his elbow on Taehyung's stomach.

Looking up at the mirror, Taehyung saw you stick out your tongue at him. "Follow me you all." Seokjin beckoned, walking away in style like a model making Ana chuckle at his silliness. You smiled walking with her and then turned your head towards her.

You saw how happy she looked while eyeing Seokjin who was walking in front of them with Taehyung. Her eyes were glowing along with her face making you wonder about the amount of love she carried for her. " are so cute" you squeezed your shoulders in excitement.

"Huh? Nooo.." Ana blushed because of the sudden compliment and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. "I can literally see how much you love Seokjin oppa." You narrowed your eyes teasingly at her. "When you will fall in love with Taehyung, then I will say the same thing to you okay?" 

And this time, it was your turn to blush which you did. Your cheeks heated up and you blinked your eyes, tearing away your gaze from her.

Love? With him? Is that even…... possible?


This was a filler part so sorry if it was boring. But a new character is gonna come soon.
Guess who would it be?👀😉

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