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OUT OF ALL THINGS, TO FIND A LOVE-LETTER IN HIS SHOE LOCKER WAS NOT WHAT MONOMA WAS EXPECTING. Kendo smirked knowingly at the pink envelope that sat in the palm of Monoma's hands. "Kendo— tell me this is a prank." The redhead simply waltzed over and faked surprise. "Well, it seems like it's a love letter Monoma!" The blond narrowed his eyes. "I'm aware of that," he grumbled, opening up the paper. "O-oh, ha ha, I was just playing around!" she fretted, her hands sweating ever-so-slightly. "What's that?" Kendo jumped, letting out a strangled scream. "Oh, are you okay class prez'?" questioned Testsutetsu, tilting his head to the side. "Y-yeah, just surprised!"

"To answer your question 'Tetsu, it's a love letter which I will now read," stated the blond with a grin. The two classmates peered over the blond's shoulder as he took in a deep breath. "Let's see... Dear, Monoma—"

you probably have no clue who i am by reading this letter. that's good. if you did find out, you'd probably ignore me forever. that's not something i'd exactly want per se. anyways, by the look of this letter and the envelope, i'm guessing you probably have figured out that this is a love letter. if not, well... surprise! though, you're incredibly smart so i'm guessing at first sight you knew that it was.

of course, you're actually pretty insecure about yourself so you probably doubted it until now. was that too forward? i'm not sure, but either way i don't really mind that.

you may be wondering 'how did this person figure out how i feel'. it's simple really. with the way you always are aggressive towards class 1-a but so very kind to class 1-b , i figured it out incredibly fast. of course, also with some outside help to prove my hypothesis of sorts. maybe, i'm just overthinking it. maybe you just are that way.

i don't think that you are though. not after the time we met. but that's already too much of a hint. hints... i wonder if you're curious as to who i am now. i doubt it but i hope you are. well, i've rambled too much now haven't i? lol. to get straight to the point , i'll just write it now.

i like you, monoma neito.


your secret admirer ;)

ᵖ.ˢ. ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ⁿⁱᶜᵉ ᵃˢˢ

Monoma's face flushed as he stuffed the letter back into the envelope and into his pocket. "Hey! No fair, I only got to read up to the part where it clarified it was a love letter!" pouted Tetsutetsu as he stepped back from looking over the blond's shoulder. "You aren't supposed to read it for me 'Tetsu," mumbled Monoma as he looked away from his friends. The warning bell rang overhead, alarming the three students. "Let's get to class," said the indigo-eyed boy, motioning the other two to start running.

What he failed to notice was the bubbly (h/c)-haired girl that had been fanning herself with the help of an explosive blond. "He read it! And he blushed!" she exclaimed, twirling around in her spot. "Yeah, I think anyone would if they got all that and were told they had a nice ass," he quipped as he dragged the smaller girl to class. "Let's test that theory then," she muttered under her breath, a devious smirk appearing on her face.

A loud slap rang throughout the hallway, scaring the class of 1-A students that had been nearby. "Nice ass, Kacchan!" The blond twitched as he clenched his fist, glaring at the ground. Amai sweat dropped, walking around to face him. "A-are you okay—" "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU AMAI!" The shorter girl shrieked in fear and began to scramble over her own feet before running to the classroom as fast as she could.

(y/n) threw the door open, scaring the class once more before slamming it shut. "Todoroki freeze it shut! Freeze it shut!" The bi-colored boy, confused, complied and froze the door shut as she hid behind him and Midoriya. "Hi, boys; protect me will you?" Explosions boomed outside the classroom, each one growing louder and louder. The room was silent except for (y/n)'s panicked yet excited laughs.

The door rattled back and forth, muffled shouts ringing outside of it. More loud explosions came from the outside, Kirishima sighing in response. "What happened Amai?" "I just told him he had a nice ass, that's all!" The class grew quiet once more, the bell signaling class to begin breaking the silence. More explosions rattled the door before suddenly going quiet. (y/n) peeked over Midoriya's shoulder, "maybe melt it now?" Todoroki obliged once more, melting the trail of ice he had made that lead to the door before melting the ice around it.

"Open it!" Todoroki shrugged and opened it without fear, "there's no one here-" A loud explosion cut him off, leaving the boy to get blown into Kaminari and Sero who had done nothing to deserve it. "Amai, get over here." Both (y/n) and Midoriya trembled at the sight of angry Bakugo who stomped his way into class.

Just as he went to take a step forward, bandages wrapped around his torso and pulled him back. Aizawa stepped into the room, his raven hair flowing up as he stared at Bakugo with red eyes. "Amai, Bakugo— you'll both be standing outside the classroom until your next class," he stated, their classmates all of a sudden back in their seats. "Sir, Amai is innocent though!" "Just because she is our resident sweetheart doe s not mean she is exempt from the rules." Amai placed her fist against her forehead, sticking out her tongue as she winked, "oopsies!"

The class swooned in unison at her playful nature as she dragged Bakugo by the bandages to go step out of the class. "Good going, idiot," grumbled Bakugo, his body still wrapped in Aizawa's bandages. "I just complimented you, that's all!" Both students leaned against the wall in boredom before a loud voice interrupted them.



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