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Louis: hazda

Harry: Louis??

Louis: harsy it mw

Harry: Louis?? Are you drunk???

Louis: noo

Harry: you sure about that??

Louis: yed

Harry: ok. Well you need to go home.

Louis: but I donr wnt ro

Harry: please Louis

Louis: no

Harry: please

Louis: no

Harry: yes.

Harry: for me?

Louis: inly if u find me

Harry: but I don't know where you live...

Louis: Doncastor

Harry: that's like two hours away!!

Louis: I inly go hom if u fnd me

Harry: fine

Louis: yay

Harry: don't have one more drink

Louis: aww :(

Harry: I'm on my way out the door.

Harry: lets hope my mom doesn't news the car...

Louis: ur me supernam

The Geek - Larry [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now