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I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

That is what I feel.

I really can't breathe.

It's like having your head underwater. You're,

Helpless, weak, can't move and can't breathe.

You have to hold your breath to not suffocate.

I've been holding my breath for a while now.

It's time.

It's time to let the water inn. To let the water suffocate me.

I walked into class as usual. It's like the day goes. Wake up, take on clothes, eat, go to school, go home, do homework, eat agian, risk his life with wolves, go home, then eat, go to sleep. Simple as that. Or is it?

Just waking up is hard. Waking up, moving on in life, just walking, eating, talking. It's hard.

I sat at my desk. Rubbing my tattoo on my bicep. Not that it shows, under my sweater. Along with my muscles and other tattoos.

The bell rang signaling that class is over. I stood up and walked out of the classroom. I walked to my locker taking out my books. Soon after I met with Scott and the pack. We walked to history. The only class we all have together.

Soon after it was lunch.


Something I didn't much do.


After Wicked... I lost my appetite. Loosing the ones I love. Loosing Chuck, Alby, Gally, Winston, Harriet, Sonya, Brenda, Ben, Theresa and n-ne- Newt.

I lost them all.

Everyone I have left is Minho, Jorge, Frypan and Aris. But we all got separated.

I sit at my table. Alone. When I got back the pack had moved on. Forgotten me.

So here I am alone. All alone. Eating in the cafeteria, or we'll I'm not eating.

When I get home that day I have a panic attack. Like yesterday, and the day before that, and that, and that and the list goes on.

I go to bed. I can't sleep. After I got back I was diagnosed with insomnia. Even with the pills I can only sleep 30 minutes max per night.

My dad knows everything. About the maze, my friends, all the people I killed to get out, my mental health issues, me not eating. But he works to much to say anything. He avoids it.

The next day goes the same. Wake up, eat, school, home, eat, (doesn't get invited to pack meetings anymore), homework, sleep.

At school tough something didn't went as excepted.

I walk in the hallway. I have one class left. Just one. I walk into class and see that not everyone is here. I take a seat in the back.

The class starts and the teacher starts the lesson.

"Good morning students! Today's class will be about secret organizations." (A/N: don't ask why they teach this just play with it:P) "so to start of, you all know FBI right?" The teacher asked the class. They all nodded and the teacher continued.

"About 1 year and a half ago FBI found an organization called WICKED which was found experimenting on teenagers." I froze in my spot.


"Can anyone tell me anything they did?" The teacher asked us. Some raised their hands.

"Yeah you!" The teacher said pointing at a student.

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