rant about everything

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ok m8 i know i haven't updated in 248046914 years but bare with me pls

so my parents used to check my phone right and that was like my bad girl phase or whatever like 2 years ago

and so they haven't in like idek 7 months?!? yet i still feel like paranoid that they are so literally i put wattpad in my school folder

?!!!!!! ikr man !!!

like the only thing it's educating me on is how to get in the pants of band members

anYWAYS it sucks bc whenever they cone into my room (my parents are divorced so different rooms and houses obvi) i hide my phone it's ugh

ja feel bro?

ok enough of that let's talk about boys

they are the source of my feels yet also the source of my sadness && sorrow

they are cute ok that's it friends peace out goodbye

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