You don't wanna Fuck with me Bitch

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Brianna-I told you Bitch 

Addison-I never liked you

Brianna-You still wanna try me

Addison-I guess

Brianna-I already beat your ass I could do it again 

Tony-Guys stop

Addison-Then get your Bitch 

Brianna-Call me a Bitch one more time 


Brianna-That's right Bitches do what the fuck they're told 

Alex-That was a good one 

Addison-Oh shut up Alex

Brianna-Thomas can you just kick her out already 

Addison-Why don't we just kick you out 

Brianna-Because people actually like me here. No one likes you here Addison just go home

Addison-Your Lying 

Brianna- Okay everyone who wants Addison out of here raises your hand and be honest 

I raise my hand then Tony,Ondre,Alex,Dixie,Kouvr,Charli,Nick,Tayler,Chase,Loren, and Thomas 


Addison-Are you guys serious

They all nod 



Addison-I still love you I really do......So fight for me or I will tell everybody what you..WE have been hiding 

Tony-What are you talking about Addison

Addison-You wanna play like that.....Well me and Tony sent that video to tiktok room and we have been dating since me and Brianna have been friends

Brianna-He didn't send that video.........did you

Tony-No I was with you remember

Brianna-Oh yea your such a lair please just hurry up and leave

Addison-But we did date 




Addison-Have I ever told you that your mom was always right and I can't believe you lied to her and told her you were a virgin...but she was right you did sleep with everyone and you still do 

Brianna-Do bring my mom into this 

Addison-Your not denying it 


I say tearing up

Addison-The last conversation you had with your mom was a LIE your just a LAIR

Tony-Addison stop 

Addison-No she likes to talk so much shit about everyone else but doesn't talk about her being a fucking  WHORE

I run to the door grab my keys and jacket and get into my car and drive away 

Tony POV

Addison-She is a little bitch who can't fight battles when it comes to her mom 

Tony-Addison leave 


Tony-She probably told you that with confidence 

Addison-Oh who's cares 

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